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Traumatic Numbness
LSD & Police Encounter
Citation:   Jerry. "Traumatic Numbness: An Experience with LSD & Police Encounter (exp111764)". Apr 19, 2018.

2 hits oral 1P-LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
The night started out great, I was with a few friends and one of them got a text from D asking if they wanted to buy some acid. We were hanging out in my friends driveway, smoking and talking. D shows up and we all buy our tabs, I bought two, my friend R bought 3, and my other friend L bought 1. The tabs were different than I’ve ever seen, they were WoW but they were bigger than tabs I’ve bought before. I didn’t think anything of it because they had no taste, no numbing, and they glowed blue under a black light. We took them at around 12 am, smoked a bit more and hung out. We were all having a great time, everyone was laughing and I couldn’t stop myself from snorting constantly.

The time came when we had to leave our friends driveway, we said our goodbyes and we hopped in D’s car, not knowing where to go or what to do. At this point I was feeling the acid intensely, and I felt pretty good. Throughout the entire experience I was chain smoking, sucking down cigs like they were air, and I think this really calmed me down, considering later events in this night. We parked on the side of the road (not sure how we got here or why we were here, memory is a bit foggy) and we started walking down the local bike path. Everything was pitch black, visuals weren’t noticeable at this point because of how dark it was. We got to the point where we just wanted to chill and stop walking for a little bit so we sat behind an ice cream shop that was right next to the bike path. This is when things started going bad for R.

We looked over, and there was a police car parked right next to us, with its lights shining right onto us (I completely forgot about this part and was only recently reminded of it by R, I think the trauma of this night may have played a role in this). We got sketched out and decided to walk back to the car. We drove around for a bit, everyone was having a good time except R, although I don’t know for sure how she was feeling, she still isn’t very open about this night. We went to a small and local sports field near us that was right in the woods.

When we got to the parking lot, R started yelling “No!” over and over until we left. She was obviously in a state of panic but I wasn’t fazed by it, I was having my own intense experience in my head, but I don’t remember the emotions I was feeling at all. We drove down the road to a different point in the bike path, parked the car and started walking down it again.

R seemed to be experiencing complete ego death at this point. Running back and forth and yelling. I was under the impression that she did this out of panic but recently she told me she was actually having an alright time at this point. Everything seemed good. I was still chain smoking, I would constantly forget about my cig and it would burn almost all the way through on its own. The ember was changing to green and blue, but eventually it stayed blue, not changing at all. I had a fun time drawing with the ember and making pictures in the air only I could see.

We caught up with R and she needed us to remind her of her name. It took us a few minutes but eventually she understood that her name was R. Everything after this went bad very fast. A cop car pulled into the parking lot we were next to, police lights on and everything.
A cop car pulled into the parking lot we were next to, police lights on and everything.
He asked what we’re doing out so late and could tell that R wasn’t sober because she couldn’t stand up and she was unsure who she was. My mind shut off, to this day I don’t think I experienced any emotions that night. I was a zombie who couldn’t feel happiness or sadness, maybe my brain was trying to protect me.

L was the only one in the group who had the courage to talk to the cop and tell him that R was on LSD, hoping it would help her out in the end, but the cops didn’t treat her any differently than a druggie who took too much of an illegal substance. He called his other cops friends (ridiculous, we were 4 teenagers with no weapons and we were completely compliant), and about 5 more cop cars, at least 2 fire trucks, and a few ambulances, basically almost their entire on duty force considering I live in a kinda large but mostly suburban/rural town where not much happens besides the occasional weed bust.

They took us aside and talked to us all separately. He asked me if I took any LSD and I said no. The entire time I was talking to him the ground behind him was moving like an ocean, huge waves of land moving up and down. He asked me a few questions, making me spell out my name and address, and all the usual cop questions. When they were done collecting information from us we sat down as R was strapped into a bed (not sure what they called, with the wheels) and put into an ambulance. She was screaming like someone was about to stab her, the sound still haunts me to this day.

My mom came, obviously pissed, talked to the cop (only funny part about this night, “I could tell he didn’t take any LSD”, thank you police man) and I hopped into my moms car and went home. When I got home I felt like I was a giant, everything around me had shrunken. I went right to my bed and put the tv on. My mind was completely blank, not a single thought. My walls disappeared and in their place I could see trees. I was transported to a mystical, foggy forest. My bed and tv were the only things that remained. I was surrounded by trees and I felt very at peace but at the same time I couldn’t feel anything.

The next few days were hell, they consisted of constant crying and the deepest depression I’ve ever experienced.

This experience really shows how important set and setting is, without proper precautions and a safe environment psychedelics can go south fast. If you ever plan on taking a mind altering substance like this one, make sure you will be comfortable and safe for the entire experience, or you may end up regretting it.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111764
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 1,547
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Police / Customs (60), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Hangover / Days After (46), Depression (15), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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