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Sedative Now, Stimulant Later
Citation:   Snide. "Sedative Now, Stimulant Later: An Experience with Mirtazapine (exp111823)". Apr 24, 2018.

7.5 mg oral Pharms - Mirtazapine (daily)
I got prescribed mirtazapine as a sleep aid. I have a history of depression and insomnia, though 'night owl' tendencies are present in my family. I have not been depressed during my use of mirtazapine, but I do have narcissistic and antisocial tendencies and am not really talkative.

The substance seems to cause quite deep sedation at the ~7,5mg dose, more so at 15mg. The effects are noticeable about 15-40 minutes after ingesting orally, first light relaxation, then a sudden urge to lie down and sleep. No nausea present, just an urge to sleep. Falling asleep is easy, my thoughts just seem to 'stop' when I want to.

After a night well rested, I usually wake up tired, but not in the way I usually do. I feel more stiff/tense after sleeping with mirtazapine, like when in a stressful situation. I also get very shaky the morning after if I combine alcohol with mirtazapine, which I sometimes do.

During the morning and early in daytime I feel quite groggy but at about 11 am I start to wake up completely. After about 6 hours of normality, in the early evening, I start to feel more alert than normal.
After about 6 hours of normality, in the early evening, I start to feel more alert than normal.

I feel this kind of really controlled stimulation. I can not, for example sit in a chair 'laid back' way. I must manually move my limbs to emulate the feeling relaxation. I also get quite talkative in the evenings, especially if I combine it with marijuana or alcohol. I also seem to be able to fast forward conversations in my mind. I find myself continuously frustrated when waiting for people to finish their sentences, like a person at dinner who ate everything he had an hour ago but the other person is still waiting for their main course. I can quite precisely predict what they are going to say when I am on mirtazapine. I also am able to talk a LOT faster.

The 'high' I get in the evenings is comparable to amphetamine (adderall) and slightly euphoric, in a mania- sort of sense. I must DO things. Homework is not fun to do though, as in amphetamine. The substance is a 'domestically and socially acceptable way' to get stimulation, but only in the evening and daytime.

In conclusion; it seems as if mirtazapine causes in very low leftover doses stimulating effects, but in high doses it causes sedation? I am clearly not trained in any medical field, I am just speculating with the knowledge I have.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111823
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 24, 2018Views: 4,285
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Pharms - Mirtazapine (311) : Alone (16), Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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