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Feeling Relief After a Hard Week
Citation:   Alien. "Feeling Relief After a Hard Week: An Experience with bk-DMBDB (exp111914)". May 21, 2018.

150 mg insufflated bk-DMBDB (powder / crystals)
While I was hospitalized at mental facility for threating my people to kill myself which was to make them feel bad but I ended up in police car instead of getting package and having fun, my parents received my package from China with 30g of Dibutylone (bk-DMBDB,) split in 2 mylar bags and they were scared to open because they thought its car*fent LMAO!

00:00 Snorted about 150mg (close to 200mg) of Dibutylone similar burn to coke
00:01 Feeling little hyped up and nose is numb, going to take shower
00:15 Feeling very social and upped similar to coke but stronger and feel floaty and very chill and not to much upped feeling like meth similar to DXM up before full effect.
00:20 Listening to rap music and enjoying the effects
00:30 Feeling upped, working on computer, reading news and checking I'm
00:40 (5:24) Feeling little jittery like high dose of caffeine pills but feel upped stronger than coke or amphetamine (Adderall)
01:10 Effect starting to wear of slowly
01:50 Effects are gone and feel little bit tired maybe because I vacuumed my room

Not to strong and not to weak! Very enjoyable while working online.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111914
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 21, 2018Views: 1,573
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bk-DMBDB (712) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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