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Chewed and Spat into Ice Bucket
Kava Kava
Citation:   Alexander Shulgin. "Chewed and Spat into Ice Bucket: An Experience with Kava Kava (exp111995)". Jun 2, 2018.

10 oz oral Kava (fresh)
[This observation originally appeared as handwritten notes in Book 2, Shulgin Lab Books.]

pg. 98 - Kava Kava root (fresh)

± 9/30/78 About 10oz of fresh root chewed & spat into ice bucket (Kyoto Inn, S.F., MD, LA two others there) and [with] water decanted into glasses & drunk at ~3:00) there was a modest awareness of change, ± at most, for maybe a couple of hours.
MD (this is a subsequent try) quite intoxicated (same amount) - although his first try also was marginal.

+ 10/3/78 10oz (280g) chewed up and then ground in mixmaster [with] lots of Saliva - water added, drunk at 2:30PM=[0:00] at[0:20 to 0:35] definitely enough intoxication to give +. gentle recovery. Intox. not too well defined - alcohol-like? Remaining 24oz ground up [with] saliva and then diluted [with] ~2 L H2o. Extracted [with] CH2Cl2 -> orange extracts. Bad milky emulsions.

Exp Year: 1978ExpID: 111995
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 53
Published: Jun 2, 2018Views: 3,216
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Kava (30) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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