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Pleasant On Its Own
Citation:   Matthew. "Pleasant On Its Own: An Experience with Morphine (exp112002)". Jun 13, 2018.

20 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
I decided to stay home today and try out some Morphine Tabs for the first time that I recently received from a dear friend. They didn't mention but I believe they are an XR variant, as my father once had to take the IR variant and they were a completely different color, but had all the same brand markings as the two I'll be eating today. I'm not 100% sure, assuming they are XR though.

I'll be leaving out all story based points like 'so I sat at the couch to watch some TV' and other useless information like that. But, I will be writing this down while in the process of experiencing the Morphine so that my experiences are accurately recorded as possible.

With that being said; I am taking two 10 Mg Morphine Tablets and it is approx. 11:00 AM and I haven't eaten anything yet today.

T-0: Swallowing the tablets was simple enough and they had no taste or noticeable effects immediately after swallowing them on an empty stomach.

T+30: No noticeable side effects, still empty stomach.

T+60: Still an empty stomach, but now my stomach is feeling somewhat awkward; It's similar feeling to when I drink a little too much water and have that awkward nausea, that's similar to what I'm experiencing now. No signs of a body high. No signs of euphoria.

T+90: Still an empty stomach, no nausea. No signs of a body high. Slight sign of euphoria starting. Body is feeling slightly loose but isn't really a body high at this point.

T+120: I am two hours into my experience and I have finally eaten lunch. Eating lunch has definitely solved any and all stomach discomfort that was experienced from T-0 until now. Euphoria is getting higher at this point. But still no 'full body high', just a loose feeling overall that has increased since T+90.

T+150: Nothing has changed since T+120. Still have about the same degree of euphoria. Still 'Loose' but not feeling a full body high at all like I thought I would on something like Morphine. Guess its a waiting game, or I didn't take enough. Time will tell.

T+180: I am three hours into my experience and I can say I'm now feeling both a body and head high. I am more euphoric, much like the euphoria caused by psilocybin shrooms but without any visual hallucinations at all. The looseness has turned into a full blown body high, but I have a feeling its going to become more and more prevalent.

T+240: I think I'm going to end my experience recording here. It doesn't seem like I will be getting any higher either body or head. Euphoria and body high are at about the same as they were at the 3 hour point. This plateau has made me believe that I was wrong at the start of my experience in assuming these specific pills were XR. I am going to wait 60 more minutes and leave one final note on my experience in case anything does change from now until then.

T+300: Nothing has changed from the previous hour, if anything I've come down a the tiniest bit. Because I'm at a plateau I can almost be certain they were not XR like previously assumed.

Final Thoughts: 20 Mg of Morphine Sulfate was a good high. Definitely better than nothing but I'm assuming this high goes way better with another drug like an Amphetamine or Alcohol or something that would make me wanna get up and do something because this alone had me pretty lazy all day just waiting to feel the effects. Again, the Morphine on its own was pleasant; but I also think I may have needed to take 10 more mg for my body weight of 175 to be able to get really blitz off of it. I wasn't willing to dive that deep with no prior experience with this pill and knowing how strong the liquid is.

All in all there were no negative side effects, other than maybe a tiny bit of anxiousness/irritability wanting the high to hit faster and waiting to see how high I would get.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112002
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 13, 2018Views: 19,314
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