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Effects Mirror a Typical Dissociative
by Bob
Citation:   Bob. "Effects Mirror a Typical Dissociative: An Experience with 3-MeO-PCE (exp112008)". Jun 13, 2018.

8 mg   Pharms - Buprenorphine (daily)
  15 mg   Pharms - Mirtazapine (daily)
  100 mg   Pharms - Clonidine  
    insufflated 3-MEO-PCE (powder / crystals)
    sublingual 3-MEO-PCE (powder / crystals)
A Few 3-MeO-PCE Experiences

This is a collection of my first 3-meo pce uses. I am relatively experienced with dissociatives having tried MXE, MXM, ketamine, dxm, Diphenidine, Methoxphenidine. I say only relatively experienced because I never tried many dissociatives consecutively besides mxe diphenidine and MXM. I also have experience with all classical psychedelics expect mescaline but have tried DOX and nbomes. I am also a recovering opioid addict my doc was heroin for a while but later progressed to butyrlfentanyl and acetyl fentanyl. I now take 8mg of suboxone daily. Along with 15mg of mirtazapine.

I first received the 3-meo pce in the mail and used an 6mg micro scooper to dose. Technically counts as eyeballing as my milligram scale is cheap and wasn't very accurate at all and I was too lazy to do volumetric liquid dosing. I recommend anyone use VID in their research as using microscopes isn't reliable as different powders will have different densities.

Before I dosed I took 100 micrograms of clonidine as I read that a2a antagonists such as yohimbine and mirtazapine can increase the neurotoxicity of NMDA antagonists.

I took 3 scoops via insufflation which should be around 12-20 mg. The onset took about an hour and first + effects included a clear-headed mxe style dissociation along with a quite pleasurable stimulating manic push
effects included a clear-headed mxe style dissociation along with a quite pleasurable stimulating manic push
, which I did not really get on mxe and certainly not ketamine or dxm. Effects were honestly pretty much identical to mxe however and don't want to really go into that much detail explaining all the effects of a moderate dose as the next experience is much more interesting in my my opinion. The effects from first dose peaked at 1.5 hours's plateaued for about 4 hours and took another 2-3 hour to finally return to baseline. Definitely lasted even longer then mxe but was less inebriating. Was very similar to dxm as far as onset and length goes.

What was probably only about 20 hours after I decided to redose after waking up at around 4am. I noticed ketamine gives me a rapid tolerance, with no tolerance I dosed about a year before this about 60mg, and then did a few 10mg boosters after, and the next day did roughly the same amount and noticed severely diminished effects even after being dissociative-naive for many months before.

Knowing this I kinda foolishly decided to do 6 scoops sublingually which would be roughly 36mg but could be slightly more or less. I read before that mxe is more potent sublingually and also heard anecdotally that 3-meo pce is also that way, unlike 3-meo PCP which is stronger snorted. Onset was even longer at about 1.25 hours, although I was at a +/- shortly after dosing. I quickly accelerated in the come up past a + right into a ++. Effects were very powerful and I decided to walk downstairs to watch TV with my dad before he goes to work. Conversation and TV seemed to be totally alien. I ate swordfish the night before and saw a news clip what I think was about whales dying. I somehow interpreted this as mercury poisoning and became very panicked that I may have ingested a lethal dose of mercury and it's going to cause the death of me.

I was slowly loosing control of the trip as I started to enter a +++. I was in an extreme dissociated state and I was having thoughts that I pushed it too far and the trip was going to kill me. Funny enough I have survived actual near death iv fentanyl overdoses and when I was awoken with narcan I was almost annoyed that I was brought back as I would rather be dead then dopesick. Scary how much opioids truly dissociate me from reality rather then an actual dissociative.

Upon my ego death and panic attack, I had an epiphany that I really wouldn't matter if I died because I'm one day going to die regardless and I had no control over that. I felt immediate relief but noticed I was becoming progressively more intoxicated and did not want to appear that way to my parents as I am still trying to gain their trust back. I proceeded to my bedroom and pretty much just started rolling around in my bed. My memory of what exactly happened is extremely hazy and I will try to recall from the best of my ability.

I then switched from having thoughts of death to having thoughts of insanity. I realized I didn't take any clonidine before dosing on 3-meo pce and had an extreme fear I was experiencing neurotoxic side effects. I literally felt like I was going insane and that I finally broke my mind. I kept having a feeling that my entire life was a dream and when I took the 3-meo pce and was like unplugging from the matrix and my entire life was just a dream during a coma and just now is true reality. It was an extremely bizarre feeling that I have not experienced on dissociatives before. I took .1mg of clonidine just to be on the safe side. The extreme dissociation persisted and I would be lucid only momentarily and catch myself just pacing around like a madman, thoughts of going insane. The clonidine kicked in about 30 minutes later and my manic thoughts died down a little bit but still somewhat lingered. They only went away when the comedown started roughly 3 hours after I entered a +++

Upon coming down my thoughts of insanity and death subsided and I was left with a + moderate dissociation. The clonidine definitely killed the manic feeling but I kinda felt I overreacted and it was actually a very enlightening trip that had full ego death. In hindsight, I'm glad I took clonidine as I believe I was somewhat of an overdose. I experienced absolutely no physical side effects from that high dose besides maybe a headache but I've been having chronic headaches now for almost a year, unlike diphenidine which gave me minor seizure-like activity.

After this trip I waited about 4 weeks before dosing again.
After this trip I waited about 4 weeks before dosing again.
I took 3 scoops sublingually it definitely seeming stronger then snorting despite the onset being longer. Again about an hour after dosing I got that familiar numb disconnected feeling
Again about an hour after dosing I got that familiar numb disconnected feeling
along with a nice dopamine and serotonin kick that only the des-keto arylcyclohexylamines seem to be capable of providing. It proceeded into a very calm yet slightly manic euphoric high that plateaued for about 3 1/2 hours, before going into about a 4-hour comedown.

So that's my report, sorry it isn't more detailed into exact times and every single effect that I got. I just find the effects to really mirror a typical dissociative, closest relatives being 3-meo-PCP then probably mxe and 0-pce/dck in that order. Somewhat similar to ketamine but I think I pushed the doses to what would be equal dose proportion to a ketamine k hole, yet was not immobilized at all, felt pretty stimulated despite being extremely dissociated, as has a long onset so if you find yourself losing it, your kinda stuck in that state and the only way to stop it is to take sedatives such as clonidine, and maybe benzos. Speaking of clonidine I don't take it with the 3-meo pce now as I just feel it kills a lot of the positive effects. I just make sure to keep my doses of mirtazapine low, and to not take it within at least 24 hours of the 3-meo pce just to be on the safe side. Definitly wouldn't take yohimbine with it.

Not just as a mxe or ketamine alternative because I hate calling such and such drug to 'replace' another. They all have their own unique twist and I can't think of any psychoactive's that are identical even counting most enantiomers.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112008
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jun 13, 2018Views: 2,624
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