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Amazing but There Is a Dark Side to It
LSD, Cannabis - Hash & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Day Tripper. "Amazing but There Is a Dark Side to It: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis - Hash & Nitrous Oxide (exp112135)". Sep 17, 2018.

  oral LSD  
  3 hits smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  5 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
LSD, Cannabis and Nitrous Oxide, Beware!

After giving up alcohol due to my addictive tendencies, I found myself enjoying LSD and Cannabis more often, usually on weekends where extended periods of time were available to enjoy tripping undisturbed. I find these substances to be much less addictive and can refrain from using them without difficulty.

I have used these sessions to relax, process the week, listen to music, bond with nature and come up with creative ideas for my house build, while also working through my personal issues. At times I have also enjoyed using Nitrous Oxide as an additional catalyst to trigger quite intense visual and euphoric peaks.

One particular trip was very memorable and inspiring, sitting in front of the fire under the stars with the waves crashing in the distance, I visualized a wave curling off of my head and crashing down to my shoulders, peeling off slowly and gracefully.
It was multi dimensional and deep, with an amazing connection to nature and a positive feeling that was all encompassing. These trips with the three substances mentioned can be amazing. ..but there is a dark side to it. Be careful with this combination, especially if you are the addictive type.

Eventually I reached a point where I kept returning to the nitrous as a peak park of my trip, in an addictive, obsessive fashion. My story here refers to what can happen when this is an overused technique.

Intermittently I would take too many bulbs and find myself entering a dark mood, but the urge to keep using them was very strong. One night I found myself tripping vividly on acid and hash, taking bulbs on top of this. Crazy stuff!! Too much for my brain to cope with! I found myself coming down from these trips and entering a feeling of deep anxiety and dark thoughts. Ruining the LSD which acted to amplify this feeling. Thankfully I returned to normal after some time feeling very anxious.

I have since quit the nitrous altogether

[Reported Dose: "Threshold dose LSD, Two or three tokes of Hash and 5 Nitrous Bulbs"]

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Sep 17, 2018Views: 933
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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