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Blacked Out. Ate All My Pills. 10/10
Citation:   Etizoman. "Blacked Out. Ate All My Pills. 10/10: An Experience with Etizolam (exp112263)". Aug 12, 2018.

T+ 0:00
2 mg oral Etizolam  
  T+ 1:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:30 .5 mg oral Etizolam  
  T+ 2:00 .5 mg oral Etizolam  
  T+ 3:00 1 mg oral Etizolam  
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Etizolam  
I like to keep my trip reports short and succinct. But a brief history about my experiences with Etiz is important to this report. I have taken Etiz over the past month and I have kept doses at 2-3mg a day every few days. Tonight I had nothing on so I wanted to push the limits of this drug.

Preface: I never didn't to take all 12mg, but with benzo's once I blackout then I tend to eat the rest of the stash.

I locked my room because I knew after 4mg's that is blackout potential.

+0.00 +2mg Etiz. Nervous.

+0.30 Effects have kicked in on an empty stomach. The general feeling of calm, no overthinking about trivial matters. The difference with Etiz and Xanax is that the heavier my dose, the more energy and motivation I get. In contrast to Xanax's effects of complete careleness for anything.

+1.00 I had a cone of cannabis. Effects have amplified, the cannabis effects are currently stronger than Etiz. Music sounds better, I can individualise each element of the song, it's interesting.

+1.30: +.5 Etiz I can't think so clearly anymore, I do feel sober in the sense of a benzo sober. Where I think I'm sober but I am actually completely fucked up. I think I am nearly that stage.

+2.00: +0.5 Etiz. Effects are peaking from the first two and I think I will black out soon.

+2.10: I have a bag of 11 etiz. I've left on my bedside table. I am watching documentaries without a care in the world.

+3: +1mg Etiz. Through out the last hour I consumed .5mg of Etiz every half an hour.

Total Etiz Currently Taken: 4mg. Blackout central.

Stash morning after: 0/12 gone. Bag missing.

This is when I black out. I wake up with my stash missing, I've accepted that I ate the whole stash and hid the bag because I cannot for the life of me find it. I should have known better. But luckily it wasn't my main stash.

It was an amazing experience and I woke up like an alcohol blackout. Wondering what happened and piecing the night together.

10/10 would blackout again

Golden rule: NO ALCOHOL. That makes me aggressive while I blackout so if I want to get barred out, I keep the alcohol away and I should blackout but not become a violent idiot.



Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112263
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Aug 12, 2018Views: 2,052
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Etizolam (568) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Alone (16)

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