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This Just Isn't a Dramatic Drug
Citation:   remizidae. "This Just Isn't a Dramatic Drug: An Experience with Lorazepam (exp112281)". Erowid.org. Sep 7, 2018. erowid.org/exp/112281

4 mg oral Pharms - Lorazepam (pill / tablet)
Ativan Hangover

I took 4 mg of lorazepam between 7:20 and 8 PM one night--at home, in a calm, normal state of mind. I was not using any other substance. The only discernible immediate effect was that I lost coordination and staggered instead of walked. By 11 I was ready for bed (earlier than usual) and slept much more deeply.

I woke up the next morning at my usual time, 7:45, feeling somewhat hungover--very tired, sluggish, unmotivated, still uncoordinated and walking strangely. I dragged myself out of bed for a few hours, but after that I couldn't take the symptoms anymore and went back to bed. When I woke up at 1 PM, most of the symptoms were gone, but my appetite was gone all day.

I took more expecting a dramatic effect: this just isn't a dramatic drug.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112281
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Sep 7, 2018Views: 4,350
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Pharms - Lorazepam (79) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Alone (16)

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