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Into the Brewing Bucket
Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane)
Citation:   Rabid Acid Badger. "Into the Brewing Bucket: An Experience with Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane) (exp112382)". Sep 26, 2018.

    Hyoscyamus niger (liquid)
To make the beer I used -

6 Gallon Brew bucket.
40 Brown Screw Top Bottles 500ml

20 liters of spring water
Coopers 1.5Kg Tin Of Liquid Malt Extract (Light)
Pure natural raw honey (1 kg)
60 grams of dried henbane leaves/flowers
1 pack of Fermentis SafAle S-04 English Ale Yeast

Throughout the process keep everything as sterile as possible.

I boiled henbane in 2 litres of water approx. 10 min and strained as much as the plant matter as possible. This liquid was than poured into the brewing bucket. This was followed up with heated malt and honey during this I stirred in the remaining water. The Mix was then well stirred and left to settle. The Yeast was than poured on top of the liquid. The bucket was sealed. This mix was left for 3-4 weeks.

I decanted into 500ml bottles using a syphon type device. This recipe made approx. 37 Bottles. I placed 1 teaspoon of brown sugar in each bottle and seal them. The bottles were left for a further 1-2 weeks in a dark cupboard.

1 bottle. Slight buzz and wobbly legs, slight psychedelic sedated state. Lasts about 4-5 hours.
2 bottles. Same as above but stronger.
3 bottles. Inability to walk and mushroom-esque laughter; very easy to fall a sleep.

I would recommend no one exceeds 3 bottles. No after effects were experienced the next day on above doses. No one had delirious hallucinations or lost complete control.

In combination with other substances.
With other alcohol, I expect knock out effect of something like ketamine & in some cases appalling hangover.
If drunk towards end of a low/medium mushroom dose will en-liven the effects of the mushrooms and be very enjoyable.
If drunk towards end of an MDMA experience creates a mild psychedelic effect and has very interesting effect on walking (ket legs).

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 112382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 26, 2018Views: 3,133
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Hyoscyamus niger (278) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Not Applicable (38)

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