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Finally Got Insomnia and Pain Relief
Etizolam, Propranolol & Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   Kevin R. "Finally Got Insomnia and Pain Relief: An Experience with Etizolam, Propranolol & Sleep Deprivation (exp112435)". Oct 1, 2018.

T+ 0:00
3 mg   Etizolam
  T+ 1:43 1 mg   Etizolam
  T+ 1:43 10 mg   Pharms - Propranolol
  T+ 1:43 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
Have not slept for 24 hours prior to dosing. Sleep deprived, Feeling bad back pain, muscle stiffness, migraine headache, discomfort, anxiety, essential tremor, and inability to sleep. Took initial dose after a meal and took the second doses after a snack.

2:00pm - Recieved 1 box of Etilaam 10x10 strips in the mail. Hooray!

2:20 - Took 3mg Of Etizolam

2:25 - Laying in bed browsing reddit and YouTube while texting my girlfriend

2:45 - Starting to feel faint relaxation in my head eyes feeling small additional weight

2:50 - I had a migraine prior to administration. Starting to feel relief.

2:55 - Starting to feel muscle relaxation and my back pain is subsiding I still feel tight in my neck however

3:06 - Not noticing any more increase in effects just yet. Planning on smoking a cigarette soon. Told my girlfriend I need to get some sleep and I will FaceTime her later tonight or early in the morning.

3:17 - Eyes becoming heavier & just let out a big yawn but not feeling sleepy enough just yet

3:25 - Going to wait 10-15 more minutes and then take another 1mg tablet and smoke a cigarette

3:50 - I’m going to take 1 more 1mg Etilaam tablet and head outside for a cigarette. I’m feeling pretty relaxed but not quite feeling where I want to be yet. I tidy up my room a bit before I head downstairs. Pour myself a glass of water and eat about 8 Chick-Fil-a nuggets prior to dosing.

4:03 - I take 1 more 1mg Etizolam tablet & I take 1 10mg Propranolol tablet for added migraine/anxiety relief. Then I light my cigarette. Being outside on the porch feels relaxing. I'm a little chilly but comfortable.

4:15 - Finished my cigarette still outside enjoying the air and finishing my water. It’s been about 2 hours since my initial dose so I should be feeling peak effects of that dose shortly. Not feeling too much different from earlier but I am more relaxed my back pain has been cut in half and my migraine is 90% gone. Definitely ready to get some sleep within the next hour.

4:32 - Finished my glass of water head back upstairs and lay down again. It’s been around 30 minutes from my last dose so I should be feeling the 2nd Etizolam doses onset shortly. I should notice the Propranolol onset in 30 minutes to an hour from now.

4:46 - Feeling the onset of my 2nd Etiz dose + what may be the peak of my initial Etiz dose. Feeling as relaxed as I think I could possibly ever be while sleep deprived. I can tell my brain is fatigued but it’s not bothersome. Muscles are relaxed and back pain is almost entirely gone. Migraine is gone too. I currently do not feel impaired.

4:50 - Researching various topics on the internet. Will check back in around 5:30pm unless I feel more notable effects before then.

5:00 - Getting pretty sleepy at this point. Can’t wait to finally get some sleep soon and wake up early in the morning to try and turn around my horrible circadian rhythm.

5:30 - I can slightly feel the propranolol onset. My tremor is already less noticeable and my physical anxiety is going away. I’m definitely about ready to go to bed for a while. Around 30 more minutes for my second dose of Etiz to peak and the propranolol only goes up from here. I’m going to give myself til 6 or 6:30pm before I fall asleep. Over all I feel great right now and I’m ready to finally get some rest without having to deal with chronic pain and insomnia.

5:46 Yeah, it’s definitely about time to get some sleep right about now. Very tired and relaxed. It feels like I’m floating on a cloud.

5:34 I’m just waking up drinking some tea feeling refreshed from finally sleeping and waking up at a normal time. Great experience. I will be using this substance again for medical and recreational effects but I will respect the substance. Safety & harm reduction is key. Do your research.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112435
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2018Views: 1,267
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Etizolam (568), Sleep Deprivation (140) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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