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Ended Up With a UTI
Amphetamines (Adderall) & Armodafinil
Citation:   Texasbear. "Ended Up With a UTI: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) & Armodafinil (exp112474)". Oct 20, 2018.

30 mg oral Amphetamines (daily)
  100 mg oral Armodafinil (daily)
I have been taking ADHD medications for over 10 years. I thought that I might try Nuvigil (Off Label) to reduce the amount of Adderall I was taking. I was taking 60 mgs of Adderall a day. My Psychiatrist was okay with this and he prescribed me the Nuvigil. It’s extremely expensive, but my insurance was only charging me $5.00 a month for a refill. It’s also easier to get this filled as it’s not a Class II medication like the Adderall.

I would take the 30mg Adderall tablet first thing when I got up and the Nuvigil tablet at noon, much like my Adderall-only regimen. It worked fine for about five months, then I noticed I was having headaches and I was experiencing bruxism for the first. I started using a mouth guard at night. That was not ideal and all of my teeth got loose, which I think was a contributing factor in my headaches.

The medication made me sort of “bitchy” for a lack of better terms. I noticed that I was not enjoying going on outings with friends, as I would always get headaches. It also seemed to dry me out more than the Adderall, but I didn’t realize it was doing this for a long time.

Then, about after using this medication for a period of six months, the last thing to happen that stopped me from using this medication for ADHD was that I was having trouble going to the bathroom! My bladder was not functioning properly. It was pretty bad and luckily I was able to finally release some of my bladder contents. I’m not an ER type person and I hate regular Dr. visits. There are a lot of people who can’t tolerate Adderall or Ritalin for the same reason. I can’t tolerate Ritilan at all. It makes me ill and also affects my bladder. l basically ended up with a UTI and luckily I had a prescription filled for a trip to Mexico and got a Cipro prescription that I didn’t need. I was told by my Primary Dr. to take Cipro for two weeks to clear it up.

The drug itself was not that bad, my body just didn’t like taking it long term. I’ve been back on my Adderall schedule and it’s working just fine. I take 60mgs a day. It also has to be the Teva orange oval type that use to be the Barr Brand. I see others who are taking like 180 mgs a day and I can’t figure out how they can handle these larger doses, or how their getting this much from their pharmacist. Texas has had a prescription database in place for the last few years that runs your license number and even if a different Dr. prescribes more, you can’t get it filled. In some ways I agree this is good, but it makes it hard to get extra tablets if my appointments are not exactly spread apart by 180 days or if I get ill and throw up my dosage, drop it down the drain, or take an extra when I'm driving and crashing from the come down off the medication.

I don’t take it for recreational purposes and I wish people would stop doing so as I can’t safely drive without taking this medication. I’ve done recreational drugs in my 20’s and occasionally will eat a marijuana edible, but I’ve never liked cocaine, or speed at all.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 112474
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Oct 20, 2018Views: 3,197
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Armodafinil (507), Amphetamines (6) : Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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