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Wasting a Day
Phenibut & Cannabis
Citation:   Renny. "Wasting a Day: An Experience with Phenibut & Cannabis (exp112486)". Oct 25, 2018.

2 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
Ingested phenibut this morning on the morning of September 28th 2018 the phenibut proved itself to be a useful ally in me time. I feel I had a stronger connection with my own mind and more control over my own thoughts. It's amazing what one can accomplish when anxiety doesn't get in the way!

1:05 PM - It is taking full effect. Driving is difficult and burdensome. It is not my favorite thing to do while trying a new substance, but it had to be done. Now that I have reached my destination I can relax and enjoy the heavy body feeling that phenibut provides. Laying down while high on phenibut and weed has been amazing for me in the past. I don't think it will be any different this time!

2:15 PM - I would say the substance has fully shown it's character at this point. Trying my best to keep up with doing a live trip report but it's just too sedating and lazy for me. I'd rather just lay around and enjoy the feeling. It is warm and seductive but not the best for productivity and kind of makes me feel like I'm just on benzos or drinking during the day which isn't really an amazing feeling for me
kind of makes me feel like I'm just on benzos or drinking during the day which isn't really an amazing feeling for me
. I can't get anything done. Or remember it once I've done it.

3:15 PM - Loosing track of time just seems too easy on this. There is an erotic component.

4:15 PM - I am still feeling it. I am more functional then I expected to be. I go to drop a friend off somewhere and it is manageable. Usually the stress of running an errand such as this would make it unenjoyable especially while high on weed.

5:00 PM - This seems to be the peak. I am enjoying the anxiolytic euphoric effects and there is an indescribable body high that feels really good. Hard to believe this substance takes as long as it does to start working. I had to wait nearly 6 hours on an empty stomach.

Phenibut is good for self medicating and just killing anxiety for any occasion. I feel this is a good tool to use during certain high pressure social situations such as flirting or a job interview. It really helps me with putting anxiety on the backburner and to be able to focus and function without it getting in the way.

I definitely feel phenibut is addictive for me because of the way it works so well to alleviate my anxiety. I just want to keep going back to the warm blanket of carefree mild sedation that phenibut provides. So far in my trials I have not exceeded 2.5 grams. I just don't feel a need to. I would think the negative side effects would start to get too bad after higher doses.

A recreational dose for me is somewhere around 2grams. It's a great stand in for alcohol for a night out.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Oct 25, 2018Views: 3,366
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