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Be Careful
Citation:   Pseudodread. "Be Careful: An Experience with Etizolam (exp112526)". Apr 16, 2020.

  repeated   Etizolam
Firstly, I am very experienced with all sorts of substances.. I have tried virtually everything and have been able to keep away from most highly addictive substances. I had a bit of an addiction to oxycodone when I was 18 but I managed to end that before it got out of control.

That being said, etizolam is by far the most addictive substance I have ever taken. I first found out about etizolam through a friend, who provided me with dozens of doses over a month-long period. I was prescribed clonazepam at the time, but the clonazepam quickly became secondary to etizolam. This substance kicked in almost immediately, the high was fairly short (perhaps 30 min to an hour) but the half-life in this substance can last for much, much longer - which ultimately potentiates any re-doses during that time period. I ended up taking so much of this substance that I can hardly remember the 2-3 months that I was abusing it. The memory loss was exponentially worse than xanax or clonopin. On the other hand, the high was fantastic. It felt like all of the good effects of xanax, but amplified. There was less of a body high, and more of a euphoric head high.

The main issue with this substance for me was the withdrawal. I decided to write this as a warning to anyone looking to try this substance. It is extremely addictive as the high is short which made me want to re-dose multiple times a day. Re-dosing multiple times a day adds to the over-all come down in a way that most substances do not (as a result of the half-life of this substance). The immediate come down is extremely unpleasant, making the desire to re-dose very strong.
The immediate come down is extremely unpleasant, making the desire to re-dose very strong.
The immediate come down induces anxiety, aggression, and symptoms similar to that of a cigarette smoker who hasn't had a cigarette in a very long time. The withdrawal was absolutely horrific. I have withdrawn from opiates, cocaine, MDMA, you name it. This withdrawal was absolutely the worst. No sleep, no appetite, hot skin, EXTREME anxiety, and the worst of all - very, very bad depression. I can't stress how intense the depression is from this withdrawal. The withdrawal of this substance almost made me commit suicide. I was withdrawing from this substance and using xanax as a way to ween myself off, as I had less trouble with xanax and trusted the provider to only give me enough to ween myself off. The etizolam withdrawal was so intense that the xanax did virtually nothing. The good thing is that the withdrawal is quite short. After about 2 days I felt like I was back to normal. I've heard from a trustworthy friend that withdrawal of this drug as well as other benzos can induce seizures (my friend experienced one themselves), but I was lucky enough not to experience that.

This substance is fun, it feels very good, and it was much stronger than I was thinking. However, the high is not long, it is very easy to re-dose, it was very easy to obtain (at the time) and it was very cheap. Most importantly, the withdrawal of this drug is something that I would say is DEFINITELY not worth it. I would not recommend this substance to any friend unless I knew that they would not be able to obtain it on their own as it is far too addictive. This substance is useful in the same way that xanax or other benzos are useful, but this one is much more addictive and the withdrawal is much worse in my opinion.

Be careful with this one.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 112526
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Apr 16, 2020Views: 1,512
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Etizolam (568) : Not Applicable (38), Hangover / Days After (46), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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