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This Combo Was Extremely Pleasurable
ALD-52 & Phenibut
by Erik
Citation:   Erik. "This Combo Was Extremely Pleasurable: An Experience with ALD-52 & Phenibut (exp112533)". Jan 29, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1500 mg oral Smarts - Phenibut
  T+ 1:00 200 ug oral ALD-52
Phenubit + ALD-52 Trip Report

I've been experimenting with phenibut recently, mainly as a substitute for Alcohol during social get togethers where alcohol plays a central role. It is a GABA agonist, reacting to the GABA receptors in a similar fashion to alcohol or benzodiazapine, though at lower doses it is much more subtle then both and doesnt leave me all fogged out. And also has some nootropic benefits to boot (substances that may improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation). It has both stimulating and relaxing effects. Pretty interesting little chemical, though has high potential for abuse and addiction if taken too far.

In my experience, the come up of ALD-52 is a lot less forced and jarring than LSD, which makes for a somewhat more mild and easy going psychedelic experience.

I've been reading a lot about the synergistic effects phenibut has with psychedelics. And have been meaning to try the combo for some time now.

After a very good day of wilderness exploration, I got home and dosed 1500mg (moderate recreational dose) of phenibut an hour before planning on dosing the ALD-52. After starting to feel the cozy, laid back effects of the phen, I dosed 200ug ALD-52. The come up was extremely mild. Eased right into the experience with a breezy sense of euphoria pushing the experience along in the background. It stripped any sense of anxiety away. Which I feel can be necessary for those big thought shifts that can be so beneficial for a healing psychedelic experience.

This combo was extremely recreational. Extremely pleasurable body buzz with velvety euphoric thought streams that seemed to cover me in good feelings like a weighted blanket. If that makes sense. Music appreciation was through the roof.
Music appreciation was through the roof.
Almost orgasmic. The stimulating effects of the phen and the ALD-52 made my attention focus very well on what I wanted to focus on, while the sedating effects of the phen made it so that that focus didnt become uncomfortable in any way. It gave my thoughts a laid back big brother mentality to anything I thought about. If that makes sense. It took away the over-stimulation that I get with acid sometimes.

Final thoughts: While this combo was extremely pleasurable and I will for sure be doing it more in the future, I didnt feel like I got any kind benefit outside of recreational pleasure. There aint nothing wrong with that on occasion, but if using psychs as any kind of tool for growth, this combo doesnt seem like it will get me there. At these dosages at least.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112533
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 29, 2019Views: 1,764
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