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Bodywork Therapy from Dr. DMT, PhD
Citation:   Mujo Lila. "Bodywork Therapy from Dr. DMT, PhD: An Experience with DMT (exp112537)". Nov 9, 2018.

4 hits smoked DMT (dried)
    smoked Salvia officinalis (dried)
    smoked Peyote (dried)
    smoked Sassafras (dried)
This report describes two separate instances in which my body moved as though under the control of some invisible entity during a mid level dmt trip. Both trips occurred with n,n-dmt (the yellow kind) while I was alone in my cabin. I've had many psychedelic experiences (over 200). I suffer from chronic pain in my right shoulder and right tmj, and often experience Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in my right arm (manifesting as pain in all shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints and numbness in ulnar side of my right hand).

Both these trips follow essentially the same format. I layer a bowl with sage, ground San Pedro and sassafras, and dmt, multiple layers of each. My goal is to keep the dmt from trickling into the chamber of the bowl. I use a regular lighter, and take about 4 tokes while reclining in my most comfortable chair.

After the first toke, I feel all the tension in my body evaporate. By the time I take the 4th, the visuals are coming on. I get the usual brightly colored multi-dimensional shapeshifting kaleidoscopic labryinth CEVs. Both these trips, and only these trips (I've smoked dmt some 30 or more other times) featured a lot of cartoon skulls in the visuals. I feel as though I am in the presence of an unseen being. It's as though someone I cannot see has entered the room and is regarding me. I feel a firm but gentle flow of energy rushing through my neck, and my neck begins to move. My head is turned and tilted this way and that, but very intentionally.
I feel a firm but gentle flow of energy rushing through my neck, and my neck begins to move. My head is turned and tilted this way and that, but very intentionally.
There's nothing random about this. My right arm is moved in tandem with my neck to implement coordinated stretches just the way an experienced professional body worker would (I have worked in this field, and received work from many serious professionals. DMT delivers some of the best work I've had). On both occasions, I felt a great deal of pent up energy in my tmj. The DMT would tilt my head back, open my jaws and stretch my masseters and pterygoids, but couldn't get this stuck spot loose. Still, I appreciate seeing clearly a possible source of my chronic issues. The manipulations of my cervical spine continued after the visuals subsided for another several minutes.

On the first occasion, I was recovering from a car accident earlier that week. I had taken 5 hits of fairly potent known blotter acid, but felt like I'd only taken one or two. I felt a great deal of tension in my neck, probably whiplash. Around 8 or 9 hours in, I decided to smoke dmt. As it came on, I murmured "hi, Mom". The reply came back: "I'm not your mother." When it was over, the tension in my neck was gone and did not return.

On the second occasion, I had had a headache all morning, had smoked dmt earlier the same day and had a heavy experience I wanted to revisit. I did not revisit that trip, instead having a whole new one. I saw a very gothy neon colored rendition of a Latin American Virgin Mary, like the psychedelic Dios de los Muertos sugar skulls version of the Virgin. At one point, a bubble/Crystal was placed before my closed eyes and held there for almost a minute. It seemed important (esp since dmt visuals never normally stay still), so I tried to remember it, but the symbols inside the bubble crystal were very elaborate and gradually transformed over the course of the minute. I felt very good after the experience, but the headache soon returned with my usual chronic tension / pain (albeit somewhat reduced).

I've often felt strange movements and vibrating limbs during trips, and it usually feels like some kind of therapy for my peripheral nervous system. These experiences felt much more intentional. I don't want to hypothesize about chiropractor ghosts popping in from hyperspace, I try to stay agnostic about these things. But these experiences we're very profound. I tried to find other experiences of a similar nature, but there's about as many dmt reports as there are stars in the known universe. Still, I hope this one is useful or validating for someone.

Thank you.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112537
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Nov 9, 2018Views: 1,193
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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