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Made Me Allergic to Psilocybine Mushrooms
Citation:   Cretin. "Made Me Allergic to Psilocybine Mushrooms: An Experience with 2C-D (exp112638)". Dec 5, 2018.

30 mg oral 2C-D
I had taken 2CD on a regular basis in the second half of year 2012 before stopping because it gave me heart problems. I should never have approached this compound again!

Last summer, I took around 30mg of 2C-D ( labelled l-(2,5 Dimethoxy-4-methylphényl)-2-aminoéthane ) which I had sitting around for a few years.

After having swallowed the powder with some water I experienced what were usual 2CD effect for me : 20 /30 minutes of waiting, 30 minutes of blind anger and two hours of mild psychedelia. I found the psychedelia slightly less artificial than I did years ago but still of very little interest. Then I had the same heart symptoms because of which I had stopped taking this compound years ago: vasoconstriction, pain in the left arm and in the heart area.
I had the same heart symptoms because of which I had stopped taking this compound years ago: vasoconstriction, pain in the left arm and in the heart area.
It lasted for 3 days. I didn't expect to have those symptoms after 5 years of not having taken the compound. But I thought : "that's OK, this chemical is definitely crap, I'll never take it again! Now, back to our regular schedule!"

Then comes the really crappy part:
I can't take Psilocybe mushrooms anymore! Even 0.4 g of dry cubensis, an almost sub-threshold dose gives me pain in the arm, general weakness and heart discomfort for several days. After having tried taking shrooms in the 0.4 - 0.7g range 3 times over a 2 weeks course after that 2CD experience, I didnt took mushrooms for 3 months during which I took great care of my heart, fasted for 15 days and so on. Just to be thrown in cardiac hell again for one week just after having taken 1.5g of mushrooms. And now, I'm afraid any entheogen has the same effect. My spiritual life is ruined. My heart is probably damaged.

I dont understand : I took mescaline and HBWR along with 2CD in the past and since, neither mescaline nor LSA seeds taken alone gave me noticeable cardiovascular symptoms (except for the LSA vasoconstriction, which is manageable and doesnt involve heart pain); I never took mushrooms along with 2CD and, out of nowhere, the psilocybine, which isnt even a phenethylamine at all (unlike 2CD and mescaline) brings the 2CD poisoning back! It's just like if, all of a sudden, I have becomed allergic to mushrooms.

I have no idea what could be the heart condition that 2CD gave me. I dont use western medicine but I might be forced to consult a doctor (which would be the beginning of troubles more than a solution).

I'm disgusted. I hate myself for having been stupid enough to ever imbibe a man-made chemical!

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112638
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 54
Published: Dec 5, 2018Views: 1,682
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2C-D (103) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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