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Relaxing and Therapeutic, Horrible Comedown
by C
Citation:   C. "Relaxing and Therapeutic, Horrible Comedown: An Experience with 6-APB (exp112718)". Jan 22, 2019.

25 mg insufflated 6-APB (powder / crystals)
For a little bit of context, my sleep schedule was very off, I had woken up at 6 PM.

It was 4 AM and I was already sleepy. I was absolutely bored and didn't want to sleep at the time, so I decided to take a low dose of 6-APB to have some fun and maybe fix my sleep schedule.


Snorted 25mg of 6-APB.


It starts dripping, the taste is absolutely horrible, but it doesn't burn much. I drink some water.


The drip continues, so I eat a little bit of chocolate.


I don't taste anything anymore and I start to come up. My sleepiness is gone, but I don't feel energetic at all. In fact, it actually feels very relaxing instead of stimulating. It's very subtle and feels natural.


I feel just pure contentedness. I start thinking about my life, and I am very happy and satisfied, but not euphoric or high at all.
I am listening to music and I start dancing around a bit while I go to the kitchen get some fresh water.


I feel like I am now peaking, I get the urge to redose, but I don't.
I feel like I am now peaking, I get the urge to redose, but I don't.
The same feelings continue, but much stronger. I just stay laying in bed with my headphones, without a worry in the world. It feels incredibly therapeutic, like cleansing my mind.


The sun is starting to rise and I'm actually quite hungry, so I prepare a steak. Unlike my other experiences with higher doses it doesn't take any effort to eat at all. It tastes absolutely delicious. Now that I'm up, I just go dancing around the house and petting my cat.

T+04:00 ~ T+06:00:

Nothing much to say, I just keep enjoying the experience.


It has been 7 hours now and I start to feel the effects diminishing. I notice sometimes my vision gets unfocused and blurry. I take a shower and I start to feel a little bit tired. I keep listening to music and it's still quite enjoyable.


Now I just feel exhausted and I decide to take a nap. Quite surprisingly, I manage to feel asleep pretty easily.


I wake up and I feel like shit. Massive headache and complete loss of motivation. I can't collect my thoughts at all and I keep forgeting words.


I am trying to do stuff around the house but I'm just irritable. I get hydrated and eat a little bit to counter the effects.


But it doesn't work at all. Now, that's when things just go south. I get absolutely pissed off for no reason, I simply just don't want to talk to anyone and cry myself to sleep.


I wake up feeling much better. Not feeling any sadness anymore, but I still have a little bit of an headache and residual tiredness. I take some Advil and a shower.


Start feeling back to normal. I start to feel a little more energy, and the residual weirdness is almost gone. I eat some food and it tastes OK.


The comedown seems to be over. I feel quite happy again, going back and remembering the good moments of my experience.
Despite the horrible comedown, it feels like I've learned something. It definitely made me happier for the following days, but I wouldn't do it again.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112718
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 22, 2019Views: 1,560
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6-APB (516) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1)

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