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The Bill Wilson Diet
by Brad
Citation:   Brad. "The Bill Wilson Diet: An Experience with LSD (exp112727)". Jun 4, 2019.

  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I'd never had any experiences with psychedelics that widened my perception before the night in question. Unlike Huxley with mescaline, it took some doing before my doors of perception would be opened, and it wasn't cacti that did it for me, it was the synthesis of cereal grain mold we call d-Lysergic Acid Diethylmide, or LSD (an abbreviation of the german spelling). I'd been taking Acid awhile by then, and knew it was capable of weird stuff, but I was young then and had no real compass. It was just another drug, and it stayed that way until Christmas of 2014 when I took more than I ever had. I guess I was a bit down, with it being the holidays and there I was alone eating Acid with the phone off.

This night something altogether different would happen. I'd heard doses over 400 mics could cause some very otherworldly things to happen, I'd taken a pretty random sized square of high potency blotter
I'd taken a pretty random sized square of high potency blotter
acid that was likely more like 600mcg, whatever happened when you overdose on Acid, I was going to find out. I was prepared with a benzo and some opiates should it just get out of control, but again, I had never had it happen and might not recognize it if it began. Tonight, it would happen. I would see that other side... I listened to David Bowie's Diamond Dogs at some point during the trip (the record has become essential for tripping ever after, I find it very comforting for some reason) and at some point saw Bowie himself staring down at my supine body (he hadn't died yet)--I didn't remember laying down, but I must have just found my way there in my reverie. This was the last normal thought I remember having, the next got really weird, the kind of stuff that scared Dr. Rick Strassman away from his DMT experiments; a spiritual encounter.

There was a void of pure light with a very simple temple far in the distance, pyramidal but flat topped with no outer inscriptions beyond a rune above the door. I think this was the name of God. I can't remember what we said, but we spoke for a time, and when the time came to return to my body, it felt ravaged. Particularly by drink.

I should mention I'd been a pretty nasty alcoholic up until my night in God's court; 3-4 litres of whiskey a week, sometimes more. I was quite disoriented when I got back from the high dose Acid trip, but one thought was quite clear in my mind; the drinking was over.
I was quite disoriented when I got back from the high dose Acid trip, but one thought was quite clear in my mind; the drinking was over.
Not 'The drinking will stop soon' or 'I need to moderate my drinking' wasn't like that, I had quit pretty vehemently during my concourse in the light. The smell of ethanol makes me gag, beer smells like farts, and wine like grape juice someone left in the sun. It was OVER, I tell you.

I've had social drinks since, because fucking-everybody-and-their-gottdamned-uncle drinks and it's hard to avoid, but it's 1 or 2 to be polite and that's all. What transpires next is dismaying and reinforcing at the same time, a room full of people get drunk and I don't, I won't, I can't betray what Thompson called "the Great Magnet", but those who imbibe become shameless. Animals looking to rut or throw up. Disgusting.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 112727
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jun 4, 2019Views: 1,494
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LSD (2) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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