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A Unexpected Journey Outside of Time
by Swim
Citation:   Swim. "A Unexpected Journey Outside of Time: An Experience with Hash (exp112762)". Jan 8, 2019.

  repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash
A few months back I was off school with a bit of a headache (I exaggerated it a little) and had been smoking some pretty good hash out of my bong all day. I was sitting in my windowsill half way through a rip and my mum called up to tell me she was going to pick my brother up from school. I shouted downstairs ok, and got up to pack another bowl.

However, as I stood up I began to feel nauseous, I thought nothing of it and began to walk across my room. Then things started to ger really weird. It sort of felt like a headrush, the weird feeling you get when I get out of the bath too quickly. My vision grew fuzzier and fuzzier and gradually fazed into darkness, everything went silent, and my head went descended into blankness, next went my sense of touch and I assume I collapsed to the floor. Then just blankness I couldnt remember who I was where I was, or anything whatsoever. I knew nothing. I was nothing, and nowhere, not black or white.

What felt like an eternity later my vision began to faze back, from this abyss, there was a ringing in my ears so loud it was all I could hear, I began to recognise my bedroom floor and managed to stand up and lie down on my bed, the ringing slowly quietened and I was left feeling nauseous and worn out. I played some music and sat there for a few minutes and decided I would give the hash a break for a couple hours. 😂😂

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112762
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jan 8, 2019Views: 1,201
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Cannabis - Hash (93) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5)

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