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It Doesn't Do Anything
Hydroxyzine Pamoate
Citation:   Rocket. "It Doesn't Do Anything: An Experience with Hydroxyzine Pamoate (exp112865)". Apr 30, 2019.

50-250 mg oral Hydroxyzine (capsule)
I have tried Vistaril in the past without much luck. Doctor wanted to see if I would respond to the pamoate salt (hydroxyzine pamoate) Came in 50mg capsules. I have quite a high tolerance to sedatives and sleep in general and was not hopeful that any form of Hydroxizine would help. I had tried Vistaril too long ago to recall anything except that it was "close to useless" but decided to gvie this a try. I was looking for something to help me adjust my body's sleep cycle and for general sedation to help me fall asleep.
I was looking for something to help me adjust my body's sleep cycle and for general sedation to help me fall asleep.

1 capsule orally as prescribed first night. No effects whatsoever.

1 capsule again 2nd night. No effects.

3 capsules 3rd night. No sedation, no sleep, no anxiolytic properties. Could be a sugar pill but again my tolerance for antihistamines and sedatives is VERY high.

I avoid this substance for the next few weeks. One night I try 2 capsules and 2 hours later having felt nothing, take another 3, bringing the dose up to 250mg. This is a high dose. I tossed the rest of the capsules out after this.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112865
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 4,509
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Hydroxyzine (570) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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