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I Definitely Learned a Lot From This
Citation:   PsyTripper98. "I Definitely Learned a Lot From This: An Experience with 6-APB (exp112901)". Apr 26, 2019.

T+ 0:00
100-200 mg oral 6-APB
  T+ 9:45   vaporized Cannabis
  T+ 15:03   oral Benzodiazepines
Learnfull Experience

This is my first time I’m writing a trip report. I’m very glad I wrote some stuff down on my telephone with time marks, because it was an interesting trip.

It started with that I was hanging out with friends, having a beer. We were planning on going out in the city. They were telling all kind of stories about alcohol they had in the past; the one told how he had puked all over a bathroom, and then the next friend would come up with an even ‘better´ (read: worse) story. To me, it seemed like a competition about how f*cked up they could get on alcohol. I told them about me once doing XTC, and they started looking weird at me and told me that I should be concerned that I would not die from it. Of course, I didn’t like them saying that, and after that they continued all these alcohol-stories.

So while I was sitting there, not really enjoying myself, hearing all these alcohol-stories, my friend (we will call him W) texted me if I was up for 6-APB that night. I immediately said yes, and he came to pick me up.

(T+0:00) We arrive at his student house, and around 23:53 we take our first dose. We do not have any kind of scale, but we have these gelatine capsules. We fill them for around 1/4th, which we at first estimated is around 80mg. We both take them.
(T+0:55) I think I started feeling something. Maybe a little bit ‘muddier’ in my head. Could also be a placebo, since we are both waiting in his room, waiting for it to kick in.
(T+1:05) At this point I think I’m feeling something; I have tinglings in my leg and neck, and my head feels a bit different. Also, I need to yawn. We ordered food, and it should be here any minute.

(T+1:09) We decide to take about 2/3th of our initial dose extra. However, we are not sure how much the initial dose was, but we were both at this point where we think we should take some more extra, because it will be more fun.
(T+1:35) W says he feels something, I’m still not really sure. I haven’t ‘made any progress’ since the last time I wrote down at T+1:05.
(T+1:39) I feel the urgent need to take a shit. After that, we are gonna head to W’s boat.
(T+2:12) We arrive at W’s boat. My heart seems to be beating faster, maybe it finally begins.

(T+3:32) We both took much more. At this point, we concluded that we did not take enough, and we should redose. We take our bag, which we are sure is around 2.5 grams, and we keep splitting it in half until we have 150mg. We pour this in our drink. We both drank this, so we estimate we both drank 75mg. However, W had to pickup an old girlfriend at the station the next day around 14:00 and at this point it was 3:25 AM. He regrets his decision and he decided to throw up. I was sitting there, anxious, while he was throwing up. I decided to not throw up, because at least I wanted to feel something tonight.
(T+4:04) Boom. It hit me. W also, at this point I thought we were at the same level. I was very talkative and open. I’m chewing like a m*therfucker, I take almost every day 500mg magnesium bisglycinate, but this did not seem to relax my muscles at all. At first, I was concerned about redosing for a third time, but now all my worries I could possibly imagine are gone. W is also feeling it. But at this point, I’m not completely sure, but I think we are feeling the second dose, not the third and last one…

Music feels absolutely amazing. I can close my eyes and drift away in the music. It feels way too perfect. I have these nice tinglings in my head. W suggests me to just walk around to get different impulsed, and out of now where I started dancing to the music. Normally I am not the person who does this randomly, but it almost went automatically.
(T+4:21) I have no worries that I took this, which I initially had. I can have really long, deep conversations with W. W tries to piss, which immediately worked. He is very happy about this. He thinks that if you are able to pee depends on if you can pee ‘relaxed’; on your own boat is completely different then a random tree. I’m still chewing very hard. There’s nothing I can do about that, but I kind of like it. My eyes sometimes shoot back and forth. Sometimes I lose track of what W says. I really feel great and relaxed.

(T+4:52) At this point I really just had to give W a long hug because I wanted to show him how much I appreciated that he is in my life.
(T+5:24) I’m still peaking. Really relaxed, but I’m shivering a bit. It’s winter and we are in a boat, so it makes sense. W also seems to be still peaking.

At this point we start to head outside of the boat. We start dancing a bit. I dance with all the energy I have, but I notice that I can feel tired after a bit of dancing. This makes me think that I’m not rolling that hard anymore. Also, I notice that my ‘dance moves’ are not really varied. I really enjoy the music and I dance a lot, but because I feel that my body gets tired pretty fast this makes me feel like I’m coming down. Also, I notice I have a hard time trying to keep up with what W is saying; it’s hard for me to keep a track on what he is saying sometimes. After a while W says that he doesn’t feel much of it anymore, and at this point I say ‘yes, I’m also coming down’. After we danced a bit, walked around a bit, ran around a bit and played some kind of roleplaying-game we decided to go home.

(T+7:17) We arrive back at the student house. W asks me if I wouldn’t mind if he would go to sleep. He sleeps downstairs, and I sleep upstairs. I say I don’t mind, because you know; he is tired, why wouldn’t I let him sleep? I thought I was coming down very hard as well. So he went downstairs to sleep. At this point it’s 7:10 AM. I put on the wireless speaker, started playing some music and started dancing a bit.

Because an old girlfriend of W is coming over to his place in like 9 hours, I decided that I wanted to be a nice person and started cleaning his room. This got out of control. I cleaned like a lot. I cleaned the sink, the mirror, the two couches, I swept through the whole room. I really don’t mind cleaning, I’m the kind of person that likes cleaning so this is not really suprising for me. However, I did this for 2-3 hours. I also smoked a joint, continued listening to rock music (normally I don’t really like it but it was perfect for that moment) and tried eating some cold dry fries and the bread from a kebab with sauce. I was really enjoying myself. I had a great time listening to music, cleaning and just laying on the couch and thinking about my life.

Meanwhile, I was also thinking a lot. Like how I want to improve my life. One of these things is stop smoking weed alone. I did this for 4-5 years, and I was really thinking to myself; does this make me really feel better in the evening? Do I really need to get f*cking high every evening in order to enjoy my life? I wrote that down on my phone, and some other stuff like I should be opener to other people. I’m eating the bread of the kebab like it’s chewing gum. I take a little piece and I have it in my mouth for like 5 minutes or so.

(T+8:16) I still feel fine. If I lay down, I don’t really want to get up and vice versa.
(T+9:45) At this point my body feels like it’s been driven over by a truck. But the chewing still hasn’t decreased. I turned on the vaporizer and smoked a lot of weed in the hope this would calm my head down and make me able to sleep. I did about 0.2-0.3 grams of my own plant in the vaporizer.

(T+10:00) The vaporizer did exactly the opposite of what I wanted. I started getting paranoid and I started having thought loops. I started thinking stuff like; Why did I have to do this tonight? Why couldn’t I just have a beer? At this point I wanted to sleep really badly, but the harder I tried the worse I was starting to feel.
I wanted to sleep really badly, but the harder I tried the worse I was starting to feel.
I tried putting on music, because I started panicking a bit. I had to go back to my parents' today; I had to face them in a few hours and I had to have dinner with them. When I tried listening to the music, I really started tripping balls; not just a little bit, but at the level you see some YouTube-videos; it’s like watching a really fast-forwared trippy movie. I did not see much geometry-figures, but like images from trippy hotels and I would get sucked into the window of a room’s hotel and then I would go down the toilet into the sewer and so on.

(T+10:25) At this point I was sitting in bed and I really didn’t knew what to do. The thought I had to face my parents in a few hours freaked the sh*t out of me. I took my blanket and went downstairs to W. I was hoping that the fact that I wouldn’t be laying alone would calm me down.

When I entered his room, he was kinda awake. I lay next to him, and he asked me how I slept. I said that I didn’t, and that quite surprised him. We talked a bit, and that calmed me down. We talked about that I was afraid of going home.

He was going to prepare to pick up that girl, so he went to take a shower. When he was away, I started freaking out again and having the same thoughts. He showered long, and when he came back, I told him that I was having a bad trip and that I didn’t knew what to do. At this point I was seeing the world darker then it was. He tried talking to me, which really calmed me down. At this point I was very happy that I had someone to talk to. He was also sober, he almost immediately slept when he went downstairs. So he slept for around 4 hours.

Puking definitely did have an effect; what I am thinking is he felt the 1st and the second dose, and I also felt the third dose.
He had to pick up some stuff at his parent’s house, and I decided to come with him; I could also stay in bed, but I was afraid I would start getting dark thoughts again. I got into his car, and the world looked a bit cartoon-ish and the colors are definitely different; I would actually say they were not more beautiful then normal; it was a grey day, and everything seemed to have lost its color. Normally drugs intensify colors, but now everything seemed greyer.

Driving around, looking at the world and talking about stuff definitely helped me out a lot. At this point, my face looked pretty normal; I definitely did not look tired, my pupils were normal, but I was still chewing a bit. Inside I still felt pretty fucked up; it’s just not normal that I skip a night of sleep, that alone will make me feel weird
it’s just not normal that I skip a night of sleep, that alone will make me feel weird
. After going to his parents house, we went back to the student house and we was going to pick up the girl pretty soon. We decided that it would the best for me to just take the bus home. From the outside, people could only tell that I was chewing a bit but I could not do that if I would concentrate on not doing that.

(T+14:07) I’m in the bus going home. I can act pretty normal, but I still felt that I’m not able to sleep.
(T+15:03) I got home and nobody is home! Thank god! I clean my shoes and my pants, because they were covered in dirt so my parents wouldn’t notice that I did something else then going to the city. I ate some fruit and I took a bath. Before I took a bath, I also took a Benzo (to help me to sleep. I’m not sure if I really needed this, but I thought whatever).
(T+15:29) My mom got home with the dog. I got out of bed, said Hi pretty quickly, pet the dog, told her that I had a great night and that I’m tired, and said that I was going to sleep.
(T+17:44) I slept until my parents woke me up for dinner. I woke up, ate dinner, said that I was still tired and went back to sleep.
(T+34:35) I woke up pretty okay. This day I just stayed at home and decided to not do very much. I ate a lot of vegetables and fruit. I noticed when I was alone I would not feel 100% okay, that’s why I decided to stick around my parents for today. That evening I was pretty tired and went to sleep around 00:30 AM.

The next day I’m writing this trip report. I feel pretty okay. I definitely learned a lot from this. I will definitely look better at my dose next time, so I know better what to expect. It was a really fun experience, and I’m glad that I did this. However, I’m also glad that it’s over now. This drug needs to be treated with more respect then I did that night. I’m really glad I wrote keywords and sentences down on my phone, so I can more easily track my night and describe it. Love this drug!

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112901
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 26, 2019Views: 2,871
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6-APB (516) : Combinations (3), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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