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No Effect From Edibles
by Brad
Citation:   Brad. "No Effect From Edibles: An Experience with Cannabis (exp112927)". Mar 3, 2019.

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Of course I'd always known about Pot Cookies and the like, but hadn't actually tried eating pot until 20-some years after beginning to smoke it. With legalization in much of North America, marijuana edibles have become far more common and I've had occasions to try a few.

The first was home made edibles made by friends with canna-butter. This stuff had no effect on me even at huge doses, while others were in nearly overwhelmed states. I didn't want to ruin the Brownie Party so I just played along, but the truth was I got nada from the brownies. I suspected an unevenly mixed batch, and that I'd been dosed too low by stoners making brownies.

I next tried a commercial brand that was listed at 200mg of THC, which as I grasped the concept of liver conversion, was something like 10x what is needed for an effect--nothing. I ate another 200mg cookie, and was still feeling no effect. At this point I was beginning to suspect this ROA doesn't work. I had a bag of pretzels as well at 75mgs each (x6), I ate those too, but now not with any expectation but more kind of nasty sweetness in my mouth.

Until this point I'd never heard of edible cannabis not working on someone, but a little online looking around and I found it's actually not uncommon for users to get no effect from edible marijuana. I think I am one these people. Not much else to add here, just that weed edibles won't work on everyone.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112927
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Mar 3, 2019Views: 1,200
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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