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Fully Chilled
Pregabalin (Lyrica) & Tramadol
Citation:   offmetree. "Fully Chilled: An Experience with Pregabalin (Lyrica) & Tramadol (exp112968)". May 24, 2021.

75-225 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (capsule)
  100-150 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I’ve been taking tramadol for back injury for the last couple of years and find it helps a little with the pain at 100mg but is a quite enjoyable low level experience, especially when taken with alcohol (usually beer, occasionally wine or gin), and sometimes with a little smoke of green. Occasionally I will up the dosage by 50 mg to enhance the experience. I find this a great relaxant and is especially enjoyable whilst listening to records.

Recently I suffered from shingles, which initially was more a nuisance than anything, then became itchy and on Christmas day just plain painful, as no doctors were open I couldn’t get any other medication so spent a few days just taking the tramadol 3 -4 times a day.

Once I saw the doctor and he prescribed me Lyrica, I was initially reluctant to take it based on the information I had read. More online research indicated it could actually be interesting...

I started taking the 75mg then 150mg, I found it was most effective for pain at 225mg plus the 100mg of tramadol. It was also very effective at this dosage as a superior mind relaxant. A top up 75mg later in the night finishes the night out nicely. I definitely get a nice 6+ hours out of the Lyrica.

So whilst I take this combination nightly with a couple of drinks, I’m usually overcome by an extreme desire to go to sleep, if I can either force myself to stay awake or have a nap for half an hour to an hour, the rest of the night is most enjoyable
I would describe the feeling as floating along, like mdma without the overwhelming rushes, closing my eyes is just a magnificent feeling of calm and at peace with the universe, and while listening to my records the sounds and feelings conveyed in the music are more enhanced and emotive. I find that going to sleep listening through headphones in the dark is fantastic and whilst not really psychedelic, the colors and sound waves mingle in the most exquisite way.
whilst not really psychedelic, the colors and sound waves mingle in the most exquisite way.
Chilled instrumental electronica is great in this setting, (I’ve been enjoying Tangerine Dream and The Black Dog), but also slow Doom metal works very well also (Earth-2 is favorite, but also Sleeps Dopesmoker is awesome). I’m sure classical music would also be a wonderful experience.

The negatives or precautions I would attribute to this combo and possibly more to the Lyrica are firstly that there can be an initial drowsy / sudden need to sleep effect, don’t drive or use machinery that’s likely to cause you harm, whilst it can be quite a social substance it is easy to become a bit vague or not really concentrate on conversations and it seems to be fairly addictive - I look forward to 7:30 every night for my chill out time!

Whilst I’m hoping that my neuralgia will fade over time, I’m probably going to miss the Lyrica experience so am enjoying it while I can.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112968
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 49
Published: May 24, 2021Views: 2,523
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418), Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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