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Testing Waters
Citation:   dweezy. "Testing Waters: An Experience with 4-HO-MET (exp113046)". Apr 6, 2019.

T+ 0:00
7.5 mg oral 4-HO-MET  
  T+ 1:00   oral Ginger (tea)
I wanted to test this new compound at a threshold dosage level, to find out how it cooperates with my body.

7:30pm - I ingest the Metocin on an empty stomach. Setting is in my cozy room, quiet and calm mindset. After about 20 minutes there is something working in my body.

8:00pm - I have a cold feeling and jump in my bed to get warmer, which works. There is also heavy dizziness and some weird nausea. This coming up is different than from substances like LSD or its analogs. Indeed more like the mushroom comeup but not so crampy.

8:30pm - The comeup phase seems over and finally I feel great, slightly stimulated. No tension in the body. Nausea got drunk away with ginger tea. Visuals are not quite there but a little movement is noticable.

I am highly alert of my surroundings, like my brain works 20% better than it usually does. I can relate to the fact that some cultures do use similar substances for hunting at low dosages. Now I know why this is a good method to improve such skills.

9:00pm - I go for a walk. My steps are fast and I feel like a feather. My mood is positive and there is no feeling of effort in walking. Being in public is okay for me, although I really get the vibes of people passing me, some good and some not so.

10:00pm - The effects slowly come to an end. It was a successfull test. The coming up is pretty heavy with this compound and I think low dosages do work better with substances like LSD. The bodyfeeling it gave me is something I really liked. Very natural. Next time I will double the dose and see what this will bring.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113046
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Apr 6, 2019Views: 1,240
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4-HO-MET (436) : General (1), Alone (16)

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