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Zen in a Glittery Powder
Citation:   Xorkoth. "Zen in a Glittery Powder: An Experience with Ariadne (exp113083)". Apr 20, 2019.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral 4C-D (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 25 mg oral 4C-D (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 6 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
4C-D/ARIADNE, 1st trial, 4-8-2019

Recently it became possible to acquire two compounds that had previously only been known as entries in PIHKAL. One of those is BOD, and the other is 4C-D (2,5-dimethoxy-alpha-ethyl-4-methylphenethylamine), nicknamed ARIADNE (one of his "classic ladies") in PIHKAL. Since I am a shameless drug nerd and collector, I had to acquire these two rarities. What follows is the account of my first trial with 4C-D.

3:00pm (T+0:00) - Ingested 50mg of 4C-D HCl. The rationale for this dose (after a small allergy test of 2mg with no effects yesterday) was that a friend tried this same batch of 4C-D at 90mg and found it mild and nice with some profound emotion amplification. I know it is twice the highest dosage reported in PIHKAL, but in PIHKAL no psychedelic dose was reached and the effects reported at 25mg seemed a clear threshold rather than a full effect. The appearance of the drug is of a sparkly, positively glittering crystalline powder, reminiscent of the appearance of 3C-E/3C-P and proscaline, but even more sparkly, like facial glitter. The taste is quite unusual, at first it is sharp and sour, but quickly fades to a moderate bitterness that seems to only register in a specific area of the tongue.
The taste is quite unusual, at first it is sharp and sour, but quickly fades to a moderate bitterness that seems to only register in a specific area of the tongue.
It felt as if my mouth was about to go numb, but it didn't. Most unusual. Right now I am working at home, but there is little to do. My girlfriend and I are going to go on a walk soon, and then in a couple of hours I will get picked up by my friend for band practice.

3:25pm (T+0:25) - First alerts felt upon exiting the shower. It's a smooth feeling, quite velvety with some euphoria around the edges already. I really feel quite nice, there is substantial mood improvement (though my mood was already quite good) and a warm pulsing glow in my body, centering in my chest and tingling down through my extremities, a feeling I associate closely with entactogens. There is also a distinct head buzz beginning though I feel very lucid. It's more of a pleasant brain tingle, one I also associate with entactogens. It would appear that 4C-D may end up being entactogenic, but we will see.

3:50pm (T+0:50) - The feeling has grown slightly but so far nothing more has developed. In an hour my ride will be here for band practice so I will get to see if there are pro-social or pro-music effects. I am thinking about redosing 20-25mg but I'm going to give it a little more time.

4:30pm (T+1:30) - Redosed 25mg. Let's see if this develops more. I feel quite nice, it has gotten slightly heavier to where I do feel slightly off base and self-conscious, but not in any sort of difficult way, I'm just quite aware of myself and I have that psychedelic twinge where normal interaction feels somewhat awkward.
I'm just quite aware of myself and I have that psychedelic twinge where normal interaction feels somewhat awkward.
I felt this before the redose but as I don't find this difficult at all, and it is promising in terms of psychedelic effects manifesting, I went with it anyway.

4:40pm (T+1:40) - While in the bathroom, I happened to look in the mirror, and I noticed moderate pupil dilation, which surprised me. My girl and I are about to go for a walk, and then my ride will be here for band practice and I will stop taking notes, and finish up with my observations tomorrow morning or perhaps late tonight. I feel in a jovial mood, I've been joking around and being silly with my girlfriend.

5:20pm (T+2:20) - The redose has kicked in. The walk was excellent. I really noticed and deeply appreciated the beauty of emerging Spring, and my girlfriend and I had a lot of easy and satisfying conversation. There is a psychedelic sparkle to this but it's definitely more entactogenic. It feels psychedelic in the body, that sort of good fluttery feeling that could become anxiety except it is directed nicely so instead it's a light euphoria. I have a deep sense of well-being and appreciation for life right now, with a light euphoria around the edges, but it's quite a sober-minded and authentic state.
I have a deep sense of well-being and appreciation for life right now, with a light euphoria around the edges, but it's quite a sober-minded and authentic state.

2:50am (T+11:50) - Just got back from band practice. It went very well, I felt free and creative and my hands were doing exactly what I wanted them to, and I naturally took the lead and kept everything going and wrangled the discussions on what to insert at various parts of our setlist for our show this weekend. Highly functional. Socialization was easy and confident. I would say the effects dropped off to just a warm glow at around 8:30 or 9pm, so T+5:30 to 6. However, I still feel the warm glow and a sense of ease and clarity. I can say that this mixes quite well with alcohol. I drank a 6 pack of 6% ciders over the course of the night and I never felt more than a pleasant, warm buzz. My mind stayed very sharp compared to how I would normally feel. After practice, my friend and I played a video game, and I became extremely focused on it and did quite well, especially considering I'd never played it before, and before I knew it, 2 hours had gone by and it was much later than I had intended.

On the way home my Uber driver was a really interesting guy who went to the same college as me and spent years living in the town I grew up in, which is rare around here. We had some great conversations, again, effortless. The entire experience has been marked by an effortless ease and a calm, free feeling. It's so interesting how adding one carbon to DOM, changing it to an alpha-ethyl from an alpha-methyl (and thus no longer an amphetamine, but something very close) can make such a difference, in duration, potency, and most of all, in subjective effects. 4C-D is not a stimulant. I felt no extra energy, and my body feels completely calm. And there is this great residual vibe, it reminds me of how when mescaline tapers off and it just slowly almost becomes part of your normal state. That's how I feel, that I just feel this way naturally. I'm sure in the morning I will feel differently but it's a lovely feeling. I am very happy with this trial, even though it was quite mild, really. Mild, but still significant. I have the feeling this is what characterizes this drug, but I will certainly give it another go, probably at 100mg all at once. This felt so benign at 50mg with a 25mg booster than I feel totally confident jumping to 100mg.

In summary, there were no classical psychedelic aspects to this, no visuals whatsoever, not even a hint of them. I felt an entactogenic vibe in the mind, and during the peak, also in the body. My mind felt lucid and interested and curious and quite active. I felt good at whatever I did and I enjoyed socializing and was good at it. Overall I felt very calm and content. I really liked this experience, and I look forward to trying it again at a higher dosage. But my feeling is that it will remain about like this, a pleasant amplifier and mild entactogen, which I am quite sure from how I feel will exact no price. Really pleasant, it's too bad the dose is so high because I would enjoy this in a variety of situations as a chill enhancer, but I only have so much. I will be sure to write another report on my higher dosage trials.

Lovely stuff indeed. Subtle, but lovely. It was all goodness, nothing negative about it whatsoever.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113083
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Apr 20, 2019Views: 3,524
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4C-D (744) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2), General (1)

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