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Withdrawals and Insomnia
Kratom, Tramadol, Coffee & Cannabis
Citation:   vapman. "Withdrawals and Insomnia: An Experience with Kratom, Tramadol, Coffee & Cannabis (exp113173)". May 18, 2019.

  repeated oral Kratom (tea)
    oral Pharms - Tramadol  
    oral Coffee  
My vendor "says" the red veined kratom he sells is organic and because the substance is relatively harmless*, I allowed myself to get physically dependent on it.

(*I only think kratom is relatively harmless if you filter the powder from the brew you drink, because drinking all that powder everyday can't be healthy for your intestines and other organs!!)

In the beginning kratom made me feel good and I ended up just drinking it all day everyday for almost 2 years straight.
In the beginning kratom made me feel good and I ended up just drinking it all day everyday for almost 2 years straight.
It helped me to numb my mental problems and kind of feel better, but probably after about one year it couldn't mask my anxiety and depression anymore.

I must have tried at least 30 times or more to quit and I just couldn't do it. I felt physically and mentally ill while on the kratom and when trying to quit, the depression/anxiety/withdrawal symptoms were just more than I could handle.

Some people's bodies are way more sensitive to kratom that others... I would feel nasty withdrawals 5.5 hours after my last kratom dose, no matter how big the dose was. I would wake up in my sleep after 5 hours because my body would demand a new dose... And I'd not be able to sleep until the new dose of kratom kicked in.

Even if I could tolerate the nasty withdrawal pains, there's no way in hell I would ever sleep for days and thats just something I can't/won't do.

After over 30 attempts, The only way I was eventually able to quit kratom is by replacing it with tramadol, and then replacing the tramadol with coffee and cannabis (hashish).

I Have tried this method many times now, and it always works.... It's quick and painless.

So how I kicked kratom several times now: is in the evening I wait until kratom withdrawals start to kick in the evening, and add at least 2 hours extra just to make sure most of it is out of my system...


Day1: 50mg of tramadol before bedtime
Day2: 50mg in the morning, 25 to 50mg afternoon, 50mg before bedtime
Day3: 25mg in morning, 25mg afternoon, 50mg before bedtime
Day4: 50mg before bedtime (maybe needing to stay at this dose a few days longer if sleeping is a problem)
Day5: 25mg before bedtime (maybe needing to stay at this dose a few days longer if sleeping is a problem)

Day6+: no more tramadol is easy during the day. But at night the restless legs and withdrawal pains start. Because cannabis alone is not enough, I would have to drink coffee to stop the withdrawal pain.
Because cannabis alone is not enough, I would have to drink coffee to stop the withdrawal pain.
Coffee is able to stop restless legs and joint pain (in my experience anyway!).

I would often end up staying awake until 5 or 7AM having drank coffee all through the night and eventually be able to fall asleep. DeCaffeinated coffee might work just as well or better, because according to a scientific article I recently read it's not the caffeine but other ingredients in the coffee. ( Boublik JH, Quinn MJ, Clements JA, Herington AC, Wynne KN, Funder JW.
“Coffee contains potent opiate receptor binding activity”. Nature. 1983 Jan 17;301(5897):246-8. )

After several days of coffee + cannabis (hashish), the restless legs and withdrawal pains are gone... And cannabis alone is again enough to make me fall asleep at night.

Good luck & be safe.

Exp Year: 2017-2019ExpID: 113173
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: May 18, 2019Views: 1,530
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Kratom (203) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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