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Euphoric Catharsis
Citation:   Spencer. "Euphoric Catharsis: An Experience with Kratom (exp113243)". Erowid.org. Jun 28, 2019. erowid.org/exp/113243

After using kratom therapeutically and recreationally for a little over two and a half years, I feel like I can provide a thorough assessment of it. I first discovered it researching alternatives to pharmaceutical pain killers in the summer of '16, right around the time Trump was starting to seem like a front-runner in the election. (As a side note I have to say that was a wild, sometimes cringey but awesome summer for America. There was an energy in the air and I always associate it with my first experiences taking kratom).

After reading about kratom I just forgot about it because I couldn't think of any place in my area that would sell a thing like that, but clearly I was naive. In August I was driving back from Orlando and stopped at a Chevron station that was selling little bottles of something called [product brand name] and sure enough one of the ingredients was mitragyna speciosa, which I recognized as kratom even back then when I had only read about it. Man, I have to tell you those things WORKED. When I was home I tried calling around to find out if any store or gas station sold them but nobody did. At that point I would have bought a case of it if I could.

Eventually I forgot about it because I couldn't find it anywhere. I did actually see it at a gas station in New England much later when I was already buying legitimate kratom but noticed there was no kratom on the ingredients list. About a month after moving on from searching for the product, I started looking for actual kratom. My girlfriend at the time called several tobacco and head shops for me and all of them said they didn't carry it except for one. To make a long story short, I ended up buying kratom from them for about a month before I realized a head shop I was always familiar with was now selling it. They had much better variety of products -- things like [brand name] (which I didn't like) and many more. I became obsessed with this one brand but I can't remember the name. It was 150 capsules of what the company called "platinum maeng da," in a metal cannister with a clear top. For a while, that was the good stuff and I still have nostalgia for it to this day but it wouldn't make sense to buy now considering the price. I will probably never buy capsules ever again.

To summarize the rest of my time with kratom, I sampled many different brands. Some good, some bad, and at various prices. I definitely wasted a lot of money on crap, but you live and you learn. I don't regret any of it and I have tons of nostalgia for my first year of experiences. I think my favorite part is looking back on all the good times.
I think my favorite part is looking back on all the good times.
Some people are ashamed of drinking too much or using certain drugs excessively at certain points in their life, but I don't feel that way about kratom. I have relied on it too much and still do to some extent, but I'm happy with the overall experience.

Kratom is pure catharsis and nostalgia

Exp Year: 2016-2019ExpID: 113243
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 28, 2019Views: 1,000
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Kratom (203) : Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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