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My First (And Only) Time
Nutmeg & Cannabis
Citation:   Philth. "My First (And Only) Time: An Experience with Nutmeg & Cannabis (exp11326)". Oct 15, 2019.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  15 g oral Nutmeg (capsule)
  1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
Midsummer, 2001 at a cottage in the cottage country of Ontario

A friday...
We had smoked a joint and a bowl between 3 people when we decided to take the nutmeg. One of the two girls I was with had prepared several capsules stuffed with the spice. We had both decided to try it out after a friend informed me about, and I read up on it. The third girl there opted out of the experience. I had to down 16 capsules, I used pepsi to help me swallow them. Down they went. Of course, we were fairly stoned from smoking marijuana already... so during conversations, she and I would stop and say 'we just took some nutmeg, boy, we're gonna get screwed up!' So we went out and smoked another joint, came back in and sat on the two beds in the girl's room. I got up and grabbed a beer, then sat in a chair. I was about 1/4 of the way through the bottle when I started feeling buzzed on alcohol. Wow, I thought, this beer sure is potent for some reason. That's when I realized it wasn't the beer at all, the nutmeg was kicking in. To say the least, I didn't want to get up and walk around, I just wanted to sit... things weren't spinning, but I felt a bit uneasy. The 'sober' girl decided to try some hypnoticism on the other, they needed quiet... I entertained myself with some music. I was VERY in to it, I closed my eyes and drifted. I felt what I would call a moderate marijuana buzz. I believe it was the nutmeg at that point, not the marijuana, because the marijuana was mediocre in potency, but the high only lasted an hour and a half. At one point I looked at the girl with whom I was experiencing this new drug with, her face looked deathly. I made the remark 'You look like you're dead or something... like a zombie' I'm not sure if it was the nutmeg affecting my vision, or if it was the nutmeg affecting her facial appearance. However, earlier that week I watched a music video by a band called 'Cradle of Filth' which contained some zombie-like creatures, reminding me of her face at that moment. The girls decided to play a trick on me and pointed to a shadow on the wall, stating that it resembled a cow. I looked at it, eventually I saw it as the head of a camel... they were laughing, but it really did look like a camel, if you saw it in the right manner... whatever, I thought; I see it as a camel, and if you don't, it's your loss. I can't say how much time was involved for the nutmeg to kick in or how long it lasted... my sense of time that night was shattered, and I never looked at a clock. The night finally came to an end and I went to my bed. Sleep was easy, I layed my head down and felt so comfortable that I was out cold in seconds.

Waking up was a different story altogether... I stared at a fridge for about 5 minutes. Then I got up and felt very stunned, like a hangover. I managed my way up the stairs and into the bathroom. I didn't know what to do with myself... I felt rotten and as if I had to get something out of me, so I vomited in the toilet. It was bad because my stomach was empty... just bile. After puking I felt fevered and sweaty, so I went straight back to bed. The taste in my mouth wasn't at all to my liking so I grabbed a piece of Excel polar ice gum. MUCH better, the gum was sooo tasty, I fell asleep with it molded over my tongue. I woke up again later, this time I felt a lot better! I would say I felt a mild marijuana buzz, it lasted all morning and into the afternoon.

All in all, I'm not sure if drinking that one beer was a good idea... it MIGHT have been the cause of me throwing up. I enjoyed every part of my experience, except when I first woke up. Just like alcohol, I said to myself 'I feel horrible, I'm never going to do that again'... but I do it again and I get the hangover again and it's just a big loop. The capsules were an excellent idea, as nutmeg isn't too fun to deal with raw or mixed in drinks. I haven't tried nutmeg since... I don't really think I want to again... I'd prefer to spend the money and buy some marijuana or alcohol.

The same girl and I are going back up to the same cottage to bring in the new year... I picked up a gram of Psilocybe Baeocystis for each of us...

This is going to be my first time trying mushrooms, I hope to have a good time... I'll post.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11326
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 15, 2019Views: 1,086
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Cannabis (1), Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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