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Too Tired to Be Happy
Citation:   Blazed. "Too Tired to Be Happy: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp11329)". Aug 5, 2019.

300 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Sleeping Aid Daze

Unisom max strength sleeping gels are quite powerful when it comes to over-the-counter drugs, for both the effects that are produced and the hangover. I have been taking 150mg each weekend for simple purposes of getting messed up and entertaining myself. Last weekend I took 300mg for the first time, and since I didn't die I wanted to do it again while staying awake to see what happens.

I took 6 pills (50mg each) on a Friday night, waited about 2 hours for the effects to kick in, and got to see and hear some strange things. When the drug was kicking in I was on the computer surfing the net, so I didn't really notice anything that unusual except for the fact that I was getting very drowsy. After a while, I got up and tried to walk to get something to eat… nah, wasn't going to happen. I started walking like I was drunk, and I was easily entertained by the tile floor. I was in a state in which I'd rather slide over it instead of maintaining balance to walk straight. I read up somewhere that people have hallucinated while under this stuff, so I took a look at the wall across the room (about 15 ft away). Yes! I was hallucinating. At that point, it got interesting. I saw narrow rivers flowing along the wall on the wall. Then I took a look at the opposite wall that was only a foot away. It looked something like a slight LSD effect. The wall was moving around, but not that much. It was enough.

That was it for the visuals. I then moved to sit down and watch some TV. Nothing had been moving at this point, so I got bored and decided to go to sleep. At that time, a sound wave rushed from the upper back right side of the room to the left over my head. It sounded like a loud, distorted combination of a couple of my friends' voices. It lasted a fraction of a second, but it definitely sounded like a severely condensed conversation.

I felt it was time to get some sleep. I've taken a sleep aid and I wasn't about to stay up the whole night after what I've just heard. I laid back on my side and closed my eyes. The lights were off. TV was on. Then I heard more noises. I could tell immediately that they weren't real. It couldn't have been, simple as that. I heard the sounds of heavy metal objects (at first I thought they could have been bricks, but that didn't explain the metal sound properties) dropping to the floor in the other room. I knew I was in the basement with another room around the corner, but there were no heavy metal objects around. It just wasn't possible, yet I kept hearing them. They wouldn't stop, until I fell asleep.

The next day I couldn't get up as easily. I still had that 'I'm heavy' effect. Still too tired to think. I walked upstairs and met up with mom. She said we were going over my aunt's house. I said fine. In the car on the way (it's a 2 hr ride) I was sleeping. I used the entire back seat, stretched out and comfortable for a change. I'd sleep anywhere at this point. Around 4pm that day I was still feeling tired. The hangover feels like I'm too tired to be happy and this depression settles over me and won't go away. We got there and my grandma was taking pictures. I didn't want to be in any. In one they did take of me, I looked like I was stoned.

The effects wore off when I got to talking and using my brain to process thought for useful conversations.

What did I learn? Next time, I'm taking 400mg.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11329
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2019Views: 1,316
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1)

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