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Pros Outweighed the Cons
5-MeO-MIPT & Beer
Citation:   Julian. "Pros Outweighed the Cons: An Experience with 5-MeO-MIPT & Beer (exp113296)". Jun 20, 2019.

3 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT (powder / crystals)
  6 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  10 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT (powder / crystals)
Fun With Moxy!

This report is me looking back so the timeline is a bit of guesswork. As well my microgram scale isn't the best. The doses are a bit of rough estimates but should be accurate to +-2mg.

I did my fair amount of different drugs as a teenager but until last fall it was just alcohol for about ten years for me. As of last fall I started smoking weed a bit again and just recently I started experimenting with dxm again.

This morning I received my purchase of moxy in the mail and being excited yet cautious I tried what I figured would be a minimal effective dose of 3mg taken orally on a empty stomach.

~15 minutes: I begin to notice my perception is a bit off but nothing crazy.

~45 minutes: Still no major effects except I remember feeling slightly tingly all over. My cat looked really funny and I couldn't help but laugh at it even though it wasn't doing anything particularly funny.

Around this time my wife asks if I want to go to the beach with her and since the effects felt fairly underwhelming I agreed to go with her. I pack some beer in a cooler and away we go (she was sober driving by the way).

Over the next few hours the effects of moxy are barely noticeable and I happily drank about 6 beer on the beach. On our way home I decided since it was only mid afternoon I might as well try again with a stronger dose.

This time I load up about 10mg on my scale and lick the substance off the tray. The taste is bitter and metallic, slightly repulsive, yet slightly intriguing to the tongue. I have a good buzz from alcohol at this point and this is where my true journey on moxy begins.

~15 minutes: The wife and I are playing cards on the deck. I begin to notice the same tingly feeling as before but coupled with a lot more giddy feeling. I can't help but laugh at the sensations and the music we are listening to is very sensational.

~45 minutes: my wife has to go to her work for a bit so I'm left alone and I decide to play it safe and go inside. Everything looks so weird and my body is full of sensation. It's difficult to explain but I'm on the verge of tasting colors and feeling smells. I have my headphones on listening to music and the desire to dance is overwhelming. I really wished I had glowsticks at this point and yes my cat is so hilarious for no good reason.

Visual hallucinations are minimal but present. Everything looks a bit weird and everything is extremely vibrant!

This goes on for a period of about a hour and a half during which when my wife got home she offered oral sex. I respectfully declined after putting my penis in her mouth it was almost overwhelmingly sensational. At that point I'd rather just dance and taste colors and the such.

~2.5 hours in: the physical sensations begin to dissipate and I enter a period that lasted for the next 3 hours or so that felt more like a 150ug acid trip. My varicose vein in my leg really begins to bother me and my stomach begins to cramp up. I notice that I was probably clenching my jaw the whole time and salivating a lot. I want the physical sensations to come back but I know they're gone now and I might as well enjoy the rest of the trip like I was on acid.

I play competitive shooting games online for a couple hours and despite being high on moxy I do fairly well. I'm still not taking the game very seriously and get banned for a half hour for killing my teammates. I spend the next couple hours laughing to myself about the evil I've committed. Perhaps even funnier then that damn cat. Well worth the ban.

~5 hours in: I'm clearly coming down and close to baseline but the effects linger on for hours (its been about 11 hours now since I ingested the moxy and I'm finally VERY close to sober). We go for a walk and everything is still so beautiful. The trees and birds are amazing to appreciate. Unfortunately I begin to have some intense cramps which plagued me until my wife went to bed. These cramps climaxed in a few very loose bowel movements which I won't include anymore details about except that pepto bismol did the trick in making me feel a lot better.

During this time period I had sex with my wife and let's just say it was GREAT for both of us and I was much more vigorous and into it then usual. Definitely the sexual enhancement aspect of moxy is true for me at least!

~8 hours in: The wife goes to bed but sleeping at this point is unobtainable for me as I laid in bed wide awake for about an hour before getting up. I spend the next few hours surfing reddit waiting to be tired enough to sleep.

Since I can't sleep anyways I decide to reflect on my trip and make a report. Overall I must say I really enjoyed moxy a lot. It would be nice if it didn't cause the cramping towards the end as well as the inability to sleep. I also wonder if it was the cause of my varicose vein hurting so much. But as we all know nothing in this world is perfect.

I'll be experimenting with this again in a few weeks time as the pros by far outweighed the cons for me!

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113296
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jun 20, 2019Views: 1,655
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5-MeO-MIPT (287) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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