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Wouldn't Do It Again
Gabapentin & Cannabis
Citation:   4square. "Wouldn't Do It Again: An Experience with Gabapentin & Cannabis (exp113310)". Jun 27, 2019.

1200 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (pill / tablet)
    vaporized Cannabis (extract)
Experienced drug user, pretty much anything you’ve heard of I've tried to put in a needle, resulted in a pretty long battle with opiates in my younger days. For the past 5 years I just consume cannabis, large amounts mostly concentrates, and alcohol, but have decided to stop drinking.

Fast forward and the bottle of gabapentin has been on my counter for about a month. My dog had recently had teeth pulled, and the pain medication they use is gabapentin. I had heard that it was used recreationally, first heard about it being abused when I was in jail. So I said what the hell, checked out a reasonable dosage and consumed 3 x 400mg dog pills.

I don’t feel anything until about an hour in, my neighbor knocks on my door to buy some tree. While I’m chatting with her I start getting hot and step outside for a smoke. The feelings I would explain would be a light headness, slight nausea, my coordination is def a bit off, feels like I’m not on point. There’s def waves of something that feels okay, I know many people dose 2000-3000mg but honestly if I took anymore I feel I would be physically nauseous. It reminds me of alcohol, with almost zero mental effects, but has almost all the physical effects. As I type this my mind is working fine, but even typing is slightly off, also blurry vision. I keep flipping from “this is okay” to wishing I hadn’t taken anything.
I keep flipping from “this is okay” to wishing I hadn’t taken anything.

The experience is still going on but I don’t think I would try it again, if I wanna feel like this I could drink some booze, be more sociable. It’s comfortable to lay on my bed or couch. Took a hefty glob of concentrate and took a dab. Made the experience better, I could def see it being an amazing potentiater if I was still doing opiates. I dunno if I would refer to it as recreational, there is zero euphoria, it’s all physical and most of the physical effects aren’t good unless I'm laying down.

I see gapabentin being mostly abused by people who are mixing with opiates, or need to be clean, saw a lot of people on the “Johnies”, that’s what they called gabapentin in the methadone clinic. Or being taken by underage kids who don’t have access to anything else.

Honestly feel bad I gave that stuff to my dog, there is no pain relieving properties I’m experiencing, it’s got this weird mix of feelings it produces, like a stimulated mind, but my body just can’t perform. Honestly it feel frustrating, laying on the couch is nice but I wanna go do something, but there’s been a pronounced lightheaded feeling the entire time that I would say is the reason I wouldn’t try again. It’s like alcohol where it has that sedative effect, but my mind is still stimulated.

Maybe I didn’t take enough, but not sure I’d wanna try much more than that. Kratom is a much better option, actually reminds me a bit of kratom, stimulate and also sedated. Kratom has less side effects and feels better, I also don’t like having to take over 1000mg of any chemical.

I’m gonna keep the bottle around, I could see it helping with my back problems, especially if combined with my flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) at a lower dose like 400mg. It’s abusable, but only if I really wanna get high and battle uncomfortable side effects for a buzz.

Americans need something to replace the Vicodin and oxy they can’t get from there doctors anymore. Haha stuff is weird, def moments of something. But really can’t handle the lightheadedness.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113310
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jun 27, 2019Views: 2,820
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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