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I Turned to Potentiation
Armodafinil & Bupropion
Citation:   lyingspeed. "I Turned to Potentiation: An Experience with Armodafinil & Bupropion (exp113557)". Dec 6, 2019.

T+ 0:00
400 mg oral Armodafinil  
  T+ 2:15 150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion  
  T+ 2:45 200 mg oral Armodafinil  
  T+ 4:30   oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:30   oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
Armodafinil and Bupropion (Wellbutrin) stack

I find armodafinil to not keep me awake too well at times, even after my dose increase of 200 to 400mgs. I’m starting a new job today and can’t afford to fall asleep during the day again, so I turned to potentiation.

I had researched this topic for quite a while beforehand. I wasn’t really finding much to increase effects besides caffeine, which I’ve grown to hate and rarely use. I remembered Wellbutrin was a weak DRI, and modafinil/armodafinil are also DRIs. I had the thought “maybe this combination will work?”…

I have an extra bottle of Wellbutrin laying around (I discontinued daily use a long time ago due to flattened affect). After finding only slight contraindications such as raised blood pressure which I can safely counteract with clonidine if need be, I decided to experiment…

Today, I dosed 400mgs at 11am, after waking at 10 (currently 4:36pm). I had gotten 7 hours of sleep, albeit disrupted. After maybe an hr and a half I was feeling more awake, but knew I wouldn’t make it throughout the day without an extra pill. At 1:15pm, I decided I’d take a split 150mg Wellbutrin XL pill. I split it to get rid of the time-release mechanism. A half hour later (1:45) I took my third and final 200mg armodafinil.

Up until about 3:30 I wasn’t feeling tired, then I started to feel fade. I took 2 excedrin, for my back pain and for the ~120mgs of caffeine (I can’t remember the actual dose offhand). Within a half hour I was back to fully functional. I will check in after work, but suspect I’ll be fine. I will dose .2mgs of clonidine, though, the peripheral nervous system effects are a bit much
the peripheral nervous system effects are a bit much

9:33 Just got home from my first day at work. I did really good for my first day, it was mainly just stocking beer/alcohol (This is at a liquor store). My co-worker was surprised, actually, which was nice. I am still awake, my mind is kinda fried, I think I’m gonna browse for a bit then go to bed.

In conclusion, using Wellbutrin in combination with armodafinil produced a much stronger (at times overwhelming) sense of awareness, improved cognition; and surprisingly well-improved working and recall of memory as well. My memory is shot for numerous reasons (both drugs and a predisposition for dissociative amnesia), and somehow I was able to remember where everything was!

I dosed a bit too high, but now I know my daily regimen-150mgs Wellbutrin, then 400mgs armodafinil. Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113557
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Dec 6, 2019Views: 1,802
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Armodafinil (507), Pharms - Bupropion (87) : Combinations (3), Workplace (51)

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