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Pharm Poetry
Citation:   Evan L. "Pharm Poetry: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp11357)". Mar 24, 2006.

25 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  150 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (daily)
  0.5 mg oral Pharms - Risperidone (daily)
    smoked Tobacco (dried)
I swallowed 25 mg's of oxycodone at 7:30. At 9 o'clock I was feeling euphoric and in the mood to write how I felt. Extreme beauty and the feeling that everything was getting better swarmed around me. I was also taking Effexor 150 mg's and Risperdal .5mg's daily for my depression. I also smoked two black and mild cigars while writing. Here is what I wrote..

Warm waves slip into my heart,
My eyes close and enter sweet slumber.
Smoke rises from a joy-filled plain.
The cold of the night doesn't enter me,
Yet gains awareness that I don't grasp for it.
Fuzzy cottonballs replace my bone.
They cozily fit together to form my body.
The starless night still seems bright,
Unevading and calm the moon does appear.
No news could change my state of mind.
The moon then creates a spotlight on me.
Everything working for me is ten times as clear,
And the negative things cease to exist.
Time drives by in bundles as I smile.
Lights gain a mysterious glow.
My limbs move in a warm fire of hope.
Yet my skin stays in a radiant way.
Clear are my thoughts and ambitions.
My eyes are starlit as if another universe is inside me,
With only good to let the planets revolve.

Towards the end of the experience, I felt better about myself. As if my current depression had been swept away. All and all, I had a very pleasant time. It was the best Halloween of my life..

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11357
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2006Views: 13,559
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Oxycodone (176) : Not Applicable (38), Poetry (43), General (1)

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