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Very Strange, but Familiar
Citation:   phris. "Very Strange, but Familiar: An Experience with DMT (exp113587)". Jun 15, 2021.

3 hits smoked DMT
DMT - vaporized - mild experience overall

Before I write down my notes, a few key points. Preparation - I was sober from any sort of drug, medication or alcohol. I've smoked a lot of cannabis in the past and experimented with LSD numerous times, DXM a few times, but that is the extent of my psychedelic history.

I was in semi darkness, laying down, and I was comfortable physically and mentally. I calmed my mind of any mental static before hand with deep breathing. The dose was unknown. I first loaded a small scoop into my vaporizer, vaporized it all, had a good experience that lasted probably about 5-10 minutes. Then I vaporized a slightly larger pile, had another experience. Then an even larger pile and had another experience. In between I was still decently high, but sober enough to load more trays and vaporize as much as I possibly could. The taste was strange and the feeling of the residue on my tongue and throat was uncomfortable but easy to ignore. All three experiences were similar in terms of CEVs and other sensations. While I have no other DMT experiences to compare to, throughout the entire duration I was still mind and body conscious and aware of my location in the real world. I considered the hour I spent going in and out of the experiences sort of like a small taste to the insane possibilities I know DMT has to offer.

There were 3 distinct experiences over the course of the 45 minute or so session, however in even immediate recollection it all seems to have been connected. I lost all ability to maintain a timeline but I was high on DMT for about 30-45 minutes (with brief comedowns and come ups) and the peaks lasted probably 3-5minutes each. Again, it was very difficult to maintain a timeline or judge time spans. I wrote the notes minutes after coming down the last time. The rest of this report are my immediate pen and paper notes:
Strange "things" peering over/into me. Multiple fields of view, very hard to describe - felt like I had the ability to see differently than normally. They were kind of reaching their hands into my field of view which felt like my mind's eye. There was a distinctive "feeling" when they reached towards or into me.

No talking, just strange hissing/clicks/ringing (hardly noticeable)

Patterns that felt like they meant something. Nothing really felt like a hallucination, everything felt like it had a pupose, like it meant something.

Still had ability to open my eyes, put blanket over my face, but staying in that "space" with my eyes closed focusing on what was going on was way too mesmerizing to break free from.

It was hardly scary or horrifying, at one moment I was getting a little overwhelmed but I reminded myself that was one of the effects of the experience, I relaxed after that. Another point I tried to focus on love and I felt a warm loving feeling, it felt very good.

The biggest thing in my recollection were the CEVs. Very, very impressive "dancing" "beings" made of patterns, everything was morphing instantly. Very little sense of self, this was much more out of body out of mind. I still felt aware of my body, I was just much more comfortable and heavy. I didn't have much success trying to find insight into my life problems, I was too disconnected.

The whole experience just felt very loving overall. I did not feel like I was in harm's way. I felt fully connected and a part of the experience. I heard some voices, saying nothing of importance, just sounding like voices you would hear in a dream, small soundbites.

I did not feel alone in this experience. I felt like I was surrounded and watching; being watched by other living things. They looked like they were dancing, having fun, and playing. There were strange patterns and shapes that reminded me of vines, fire, mazes, etc. I even felt like I was looking at engineering plans or diagrams for things. I've heard people say that they have seen languages on DMT and what I saw could very well be interpreted similarly, it was VERY strange, nothing like I had expected the visuals to be like.
I'm very tired, it's been a long couple of hours. I very much enjoyed the experience of vaporzing DMT and having an enjoyable trip. I'm left with a very positive feeling all over.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113587
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 15, 2021Views: 619
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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