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Excellent for Sleep, but Dangerous
Citation:   aykester. "Excellent for Sleep, but Dangerous: An Experience with GHB (exp113676)". Oct 17, 2019.

2 Tbsp oral GHB (liquid)
This year I tried GHB a few times. Mostly, I was interested in its sleep effects and its anxiolytic effects because I have huge problems in both areas. Primarily I was interested in its sleep effects and still am.

I got liquid from a friend of mine, it was 60 mL. From what I remember I believe I took a double dose, basically, to my knowledge it was 4.5 g per tablespoon, however the figure may be wrong. I will tell you about the occassion that I took a high dose for sleep. One night I took what I assume to be 4.5 g. That night I was fine and it was more of a recreational/chill night with the doses split and I was on other drugs.

However, because I was fine on 4.5 g I decided to try doubling up the dose because my brain is fairly resistant to gabaergic drugs in general.

It was really pleasant to finally get "knocked out" by a drug. I could barely make it to my bed. Suddenly I became very weak and on the verge of knocking out, I was struggling to get to my bed fully intact with my body on the bed. It knocked me out for 12 hours and I missed half of my work shift. When I woke up, I had extreme nerve pain. I don't think it was a side effect of the drug but I'm not sure. Instead I think I slept in the most messed up way, I was on top of a clothes hanger and my legs were hanging off the bed. Those might have been factors. There were lines all across my arms. My nerves were messed up for like a week after that and I couldn't feel parts of my arms or legs. Also, I shat myself in bed while I was sleeping, which I realized later. The poo got into my underwear and pants as diahrea.

Basically it's not really a good idea to overdose on this stuff.
Basically it's not really a good idea to overdose on this stuff.
For all I know I convulsed in my sleep (hypothetical). When I woke up with that nerve pain, it was extreme, I was yelling out loud and could barely move my arm without extreme torture and it wasnt going away. I may have twisted something bad. Anyway that was months ago and I'm recovered and fine now but be careful with this stuff.

Other than that, I haven't tried it often as an anxiolytic but it seemed to be helpful even during a time that I was doing quite badly with myself. The other person I was with noticed I was doing better while on GHB. I think with these things much care should be taken because you can't go doing GHB as an anxiolytic every day. It's an occasional or low dose that would probably be more useful in that scenario.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113676
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Oct 17, 2019Views: 923
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GHB (25) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Post Trip Problems (8), Overdose (29), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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