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Solo for the First Time
Citation:   Sunchaser. "Solo for the First Time: An Experience with 2C-B (exp113698)". Feb 12, 2020.

38 mg oral 2C-B
I had intended to have a solo journey following a group LSD session in the summer. I had mescaline, LSD, and 2-CB on hand but due to time constraints and the need to calibrate newly acquired 2-CB chose this at 38mg and started at 10:00 am.

At 10:35 I decided that I was unable to install a new DAC to improve the sound from my streamed lap-top and I guess in Shulgin's terminology this was the first alert. At 11:00 I experienced pleasurable sensations with more visual than auditory augmentation. I was at a plus 2 - not yet engaged.

My play-list was my "Top 100" which I enjoyed rather than having to choose the music. Suddenly at 11:15 Nina Simone's "Cherish" had me absorbed, as well as Light House Family's "Ocean Drive" - "The sun is going to shine on everything you do".

In the next hour that was interrupted with my daughter grabbing control of Spotify with Lana Del Ray I went thorough every feeling and a wonderful affirmation of how wonderful life is.

I am glad that I started with a lighter psychedelic and look forward to my next solo longer and deeper journey.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113698
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 61
Published: Feb 12, 2020Views: 965
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2C-B (52) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)

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