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Trippin' Tree and the Hallucinations
Citation:   Cheeb. "Trippin' Tree and the Hallucinations: An Experience with LSD (exp11370)". Nov 17, 2004.

  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I am 16 and for a while now I have been terribly interested in psychodelic drugs. My first trip was nothing like I had expected. I can still remember looking across the dead parking lot on that cold Febuary nite, to see four trees bent in half at the trunk and expelling shadows that flashed beautiful psychddelic colours and spun around on an invisable axis. Ever since I witnessed the impossible, I have became aware of something intruiging: when I look in front of me, I once saw the empty space as nothing. Now I see something. Or at least I can feel it on some level. There is an energy flow that binds everything and makes everything function in the most ancient and perfect way.

I have had many trips since that night, including one recent trip during the day. I had been frustrated with myself before we dosed that day. For awhile I had been thinking beautiful thoughts without the mind-enhancing substances. But I felt that I was on the verge of something extraordinary. Something that will come into play in the near future. It turned out to be how to save the world. But I hadn't encountered that just yet.

Anyway, we dosed at my friend's house and went to a local park. It was outside of town and extremely beautiful; the perfect place to exclude yourself from the awful townspeople. The acid was from a Rusted Root concert; my friend had brought it back. Pyramid blodder with the most intricate detailing I had ever seen on an LSD inpregnated piece of paper. It took about 30 minutes to take over my mind. I was soon seeing all kinds of imaginary vines coming out of the swirling patterns on the floor of the picnic shelter where we were sitting. Soon we were all tripping our balls off and decided to go to the 'trippin' tree'. The trippin' tree is a tree that I smoked weed at on 4/20 the previous year. I was tripping on liquid that day. Just by chance.

It took us a long time to reach the tree that was relatively close. The forest was just too alive to ignore. Plants were living right in front of me, and it was the most amazing thing. Green forest dwelling plants were sprouting and growing all around me as the trees swayed in the humid mid-day air. When we got to the tree, I noticed right-away that it was crawling with all kinds of strange creatures (indescribable beyond their roach sized, black bodies). We were wandering under the canopy for awhile, lost in the great nothing, never wanting to return to what I knew before. This feeling was common between the three of us and then my friend muttered,'we aren't lost, man...we have just been found...'

We then decided that we were all going to peak soon so we decided to find the sky. And it was so. Our war-cry bacame incoherent as we swiftly moved about the trees with a primal passion to witness things we always look at but never see. Suddenly we came to an old wooden dock that led to a small sandy beach next to a large river. The sun filled everything with a reassuring sense that things were coming together. The forest took a breath in with a huge wind and turned brilliant white, as I shouted, 'We found the sky! Look! We found it!'

I was feeling great at my accomplishment until I looked to my right and noticed a fisherman sitting on the bank of the river. Fear came quickly and left even faster as I realized that he couldn't ever harm me in any way even if he tried. I was untouchable. I didn't even think he could see me.

I soon remembered my friends and ran a feet feet back to warn them in case they needed to yell something about acid. Then we all walked across to the other side of the beach and layed on the bank of the river; more than safe from the view of the fisherman. I'm not really sure if he could hear us or not though. If he could, I'm sure he could probably tell that we were on drugs or something to that nature. Awful townspeople...

As we were staring at the sky, the nothing morphed into a huge beautiful cathedral. Pink walls and purple columns. It was mesmerizing to say the least. The peak was begining to go away so we looped around to the shelter where we had begun our adventure. Taking the back way of course. When we got back to our suprise, it was later in the day and people had showed up to enjoy themselves at the pretty park. They wern't enjoying it on the level that I was. They were there to abuse and I could smell it on them.

I first saw a fat woman whose car had aparently broken down. I laughed at her from a distance. She saw me an I didn't stop or even care. It was beautiful. 'That's what she gets for bringing that huge hunk of metal out here. This is no place for an automobile.', is what I was thinking. We got back to the shelter and there were people with their arms around each other's shoulders sitting on the swing near the overlook of the river. This was funny, so I laughed as hard as I have ever laughed and stumbled around in extreme amusement. I then proceded to annoy them with music. It wasn't my intention, it just played out like it was. Techno was on the menu and I was definitely craving something phat. Hard trance at first. The people soon walked to their car and drove away. And with the fat woman long gone, we noticed we were alone again. No more worry about being freaks to these people. But of course they were a lot freakier to us.

Without saying anything beforehand, we giggled, all stood up and began stacking picnic tables to get onto the roof of the shelter. The shelter roof was steep and hard to crawl up. We managed somehow and layed on our backs and looked at the sky again. This time it was dominated by a massive pattern-covered dragon. It wasn't moving much, just sort of wiggling its legs and body a lot. The only words said in the next half-hour were mostly 'Wow' and 'Oh my God' etc. And that was enough, for we had Jimi to fill the gap of silence.

After this we said goodbye to the forest and went back to Squaresville. It was more awful than before in strange ways. I was laughing hysterically as we pulled up to the convience store near my house. We went inside and I just sort of stared at the different things happening. The expression read I was not Impressed by the glossy lies of the Squaresville.

We did eventually go back out the the woods when nite fell. It was nice. We lit off fire works to celebrate our wonderful day. The drugs had worn-off but the meaning was there all the same.

We then began weaving ourselves back into the anti-flow very slowly. My first friend did it with his love of fire. Easy destruction. My second friend did it with playing mind games on himself and everyone else. And finally me. I went back because of my addiction to different drugs that the anti-flow has to offer. And most immediately that day it was the simple cigarette. When I took my first drag since I had separated myself from Squaresville, I was embraced once again with the empty promises and lies. But it was a good cigarette let me say that much.

Since that experience, I have yet to trip and wonder again. But I will sometime. And I will walk over to the other side and remain over there with the beauty and the peace and the love. It is sunnier on the other side. I just wish I would have opened up a long time ago.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11370
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 17, 2004Views: 22,271
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LSD (2) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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