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Mellow Phenedelia
LSD & Phenibut
Citation:   LiminalMugwump. "Mellow Phenedelia: An Experience with LSD & Phenibut (exp113794)". Nov 19, 2019.

T+ 0:00
2 g oral Smarts - Phenibut  
  T+ 1:10 0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 3:50   smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  T+ 6:10 1 tsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
2g phenibut HCL was consumed at approximately 06.50. Then at roughly 08.00 (T+0) I dropped half a 150ug Dr. Seuss tab of LSD.

T+1.45: I have definitely been feeling the LSD coming on for the last hour or so, I think because of the phenibut there has been a little less of the jitters and anxiety that I would usually get at that phase. I have experienced some gastrointestinal upset and am contemplating having a cup of kratom to try settle these symptoms. I quit kratom for about 6 months, but I have stupidly let myself fall lure to opiates again and believe I may have a mild physical dependency again.

Although I had no specific plan for this trip going in, I have had a feeling that I need to re-connect with a side of myself that I have lost through blindsided opioid and benzo use for some time now and I hope this trip might be able to help shine a bit of light on that part of myself and I also hope it can help get my creative juices flowing a bit more freely again. I also just wanted a nice gentle re-introduction into the world of psychedelia.
I also just wanted a nice gentle re-introduction into the world of psychedelia.

T+1.50: I would describe the visuals at this point to be pretty standard for what to expect from LSD at this dose. It is mainly manifest in a gentle shimmering “quality” to everything. Details are also more apparent – heightened pattern recognition. So far, apart from possible anxiolysis the phenibut definitely doesn’t seem to have the same ‘dulling’ qualitative impact on the experience as a benzodiazepine does. My only experience of combining LSD and phenibut in the past was one time, with lower doses of each, roughly 1 – 1.2g phenibut and 30ug LSD, it resulted in a mildly manic but still rather pleasant day (I was pretty active that day).

T+2.40: Smoking a pipe of hash definitely helped things pick up a notch. It’s all merging into a nice mellow very mild psychedelic soup. Phenibut usually takes about 5 – 6 hours to reach peak effects for me so I have the paradoxical effect of the LSD rising yet my mood mellowing with the Phenibut. It’s a very pleasant experience, Chimacum Rain by Linda Perhacs is sounding beautiful pouring soothingly out of my speakers. I think I’m going to refrain from Kratom for a while at least. It’s like all walls and boundaries are loosened ever so slightly.

Possible slight ego-strengthening effects from the Phenibut. Not necessarily a positive or a negative – depends on purpose. I could see this combo definitely being good in a social setting, or a personal setting when working with an already fragile ego / sense of self.

T+3.20: I’m contemplating going on a little cycle around the neighbourhood. Just as a way of getting out and experiencing the day a bit. It’s cold and cloudy but there are some bursts of sunshine.

T+4.05: Just back in from my cycle. The cycle went well, it was nice being out in the fresh air and it eased the flow of my thoughts. The exercise is good for working out some of the tension that can arise from the stimulating aspect of LSD. On this dose I felt that my road-sense was near impeccable – if anything sharper than if I had just been stoned on cannabis.

A couple of thoughts to bring back from the cycle: The human is found in the flaws beneath the cracks (sterility = no life?) - Humans are builders – Who is the Master Builder?

Cycling past a sterile white empty row of upper middle-class houses, the only sense of soul I could find was in brush strokes of the shoddily painted and cracking portion of wall leading out of the estate…

T+4.50: A few little aches, pains and grievances have started to prevail which I think may be some mild kratom withdrawal symptoms. I have been trying to monitor my usage, but I have been using opioids, such as kratom, heroin and codeine, if not always heavily, pretty much continuously for the past month or so. Not to mention cycling benzos on and off too. I have realised that I need to stop this unhealthy usage and not become a slave to the Nill Mind. But! For the sake of this trip I am going to drink a small cup of kratom.

Is Xanax this generation's MK-Ultra weapon? Alprazolam is a bad drug, definitely worse even than diazepam. Whole segments of the past 3 days since I scored a few bars are lost to me - lost to the Xanax void. I don’t recall feeling particularly high at any point, but I must have been dosing compulsively. At least with diazepam there is a pleasant muscle relaxant property, and I personally am not nearly as prone to black-outs with it, even at high doses. Benzos are my Achilles heel, I constantly disavow them, yet I always allow them to find a way back into my life.

T+5.00: Drink 1 tsp (3 – 4g) of Red Thai kratom.
T+5.00: Drink 1 tsp (3 – 4g) of Red Thai kratom.

Spent some time chilling out and watching Rick and Morty – perfect trip watching.

It’s the irrational in us that makes us human. – The chaos, the unpredictability of our psyches is what truly define us as alive. You can never truly predict humans, there is always the possibility of the one chaotic subversive and the infinite possibilities that can stem from that one.

This feels like gently dipping my toe back into the psychedelic pool. I look forward to diving deeper in the future. It’s been a very enjoyable and gentle baptism back in to the church of Psychonautica.

In Conclusion: Phenibut and LSD is a pretty synergistic and enjoyable combination. The 2g dose of Phenibut may have been a little on the heavy side as there was definitely a diminished peak and the trip was shorter than usual. This would be a perfect combination for a social trip as the Phenibut takes the edge off the LSD and provides some gentle confidence.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 113794
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 19, 2019Views: 3,639
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LSD (2), Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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