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Mind Contained or Uncontained
Citation:   GodAsSpace. "Mind Contained or Uncontained: An Experience with Ketamine (exp113871)". Jan 14, 2020.

50 mg   Ketamine
    repeated   Ketamine
I studied the ketamine emergence state a few years back. I used Dr. John C Lilly's mapping of states of being of the ketamine experience found in his autobiography called "The scientist" and I have now revised it into my own understanding.

50mgs = personal unconscious, 75mgs = archetypes, beings, and access to the morphic fields, 150mgs = undivided wholeness in the flowing moment, or becoming "everything else".

My most meaningful, concise, and useful communication with other beings began on the night of January 8th of this year, and it continued without interruption for 48 hours from that point forward. I was maintaining +6 satori where I was totally immersed in the extraterrestrial realities, in extreme isolation from the external reality. In this peculiar state I quickly learned that I could self-program the internal reality interface, I was participating in these reality systems made of pure mind.

Once I accepted this and expanded my conceptual framework with the recognition of having no limits to what I experienced, I began to realize that my mind was being engaged by other entities, I could symbolize their existence by an overlapping of my mind with their own. In doing so I was capable of using my previous knowledge gained from the seldom use of DMT, where I was taught on how to communicate in these spaces. The information being transmitted and received is ruthlessly autonomous, as I was operating in a state of extreme relaxation, which gave me the ability to effortlessly think on the whim. There was no hesitation to question the entities and to learn from them. The superhuman programmers alter your awareness experimentally, and if you allow this they will begin to control the simulations that you experience directly in the internal reality. For convenience I coin John Lilly's terminology, he calls the entities super-human-observer/operators (supra). The transmitted information is done so by a simple coding mechanism, which is received as a direct thinking-feeling-being metprogram. You take on the belief system of these super intelligences, which allows your meta-belief/meta-simulation operator to be incredibly enlarged. The experiences are megalomaniac, idiosyncratic, and unfathomably explosive in meaning and comprehension.

Instead of elaborating on the content of the experience which tends to be mostly stored in unconscious for later use, I prefer to exemplify the direct value of the state of being. These experiences are not meant to be overvalued nor undervalued, but instead one can realize the immense properties of their biological computer and continue to explore themselves in a manorism more intune with eternity.

I was maintaining a state of pure bliss, completely unaware of my body, weightlessly traveling as a point of consciousness through alternate realities.
I was maintaining a state of pure bliss, completely unaware of my body, weightlessly traveling as a point of consciousness through alternate realities.
As the chemical I was taking accumulated in my body, crossing the blood/brain barrier, the molecular and psychological changes were becoming more and more powerful. For example if I maintained a 50mg dose of the chemical on the hour for 7+ hours, I began to notice a slingshot effect, where I was transcending the 50mg dose response curve effect. 50mgs after so long catalyzed the effects of what it would usually take 100mgs of the chemical to experience. I was totally merging and identifying with my supra-self, the multiple metaprogramms that was once the supra-self symbolically programming me from above, was now the super-conscient all encompassing "I". From that point forward I started reaching for higher states of intelligence and I serendipitously found it. The beings I encountered in these landscapes were angelic if I wanted them to be, and full of love, but truly they were totally indifferent, and I was the one projecting the so called positive aspects of their being. No harm could be inflicted to me in satori, it's a state of total love, and complete inner harmony.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113871
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 14, 2020Views: 1,174
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Ketamine (31) : Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), Unknown Context (20)

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