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Citation:   SoDope. "Meh-thequalone: An Experience with Methaqualone (exp113894)". Dec 30, 2019.

100 - 1000 mg oral Methaqualone (powder / crystals)
I have a friend who has a degree in organic chemistry, I went to see him one day and he had given me about 3 grams of this purple/steel grey crystaline powder. From the color I could tell this substance was not entirely pure but the color along with a metallic scent is usually due to half/unreacted iron left over from the synthesis. No big deal.

So I dosed around 600mg on the first go and honestly I was not impressed, extremely sedating, impotent, mild hypnotic. Slight tingling/euphoria in body and extremities and often times the substance would render me unconscious or extremely fatigued. Up to 1000mg effects were only more pronounced, no new effect. Less is more if I'm going for euphoria but in overview I'd rather take a diazepam and call it a day.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113894
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 30, 2019Views: 2,021
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Methaqualone (218) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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