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Not Worth the Damage
Citation:   Mantis Toboggan. "Not Worth the Damage: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp113900)". Jan 22, 2020.

1 capsl oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
At the time I had no experience with tripping. I did a mdma, and 2c-b before but I never had OEV's I was looking for. I always was asking and wanted to try LSD. The dealer advertised this as "Its like a combination of LSD/MDMA". Of course I bought it. It was a clear white pill with powder inside. I took it with water around 10pm at night and it did not start kicking in until 5am. I had no idea how much was in the capsule.

It first started kicking in when I went to the kitchen to grab some bread to eat. As I was taking slices out of the bag, I looked out the window, At the time, it was the end of winter, so the ground was muddy and a little snowy, the mud patches that were all over the ground looked like dead crows everywhere, and that's when I realize I did not get ripped off and the trip was starting to kick in.

I had a feeling in my stomach that I had to throw up, I attempted to but could not. I looked down at my phone and was texting a message to the dealer asking him what the heck he gave me, the letters were starting to "s p a c e" out and move on their own like that by their self after words were typed.

I then went to a room which at the time was sponge painted. Sponge painted is when a layer of paint is spackeld with a sponge on 1 main already dry flat color layer. It was very intense, the spackle texture was moving around so fluid like making new textures of their own. At one point I saw the Spackle texture turn into a kokopelli / native american /aztec wearing headdress like figure on the wall. Then the body loads came, and these body loads felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I could feel my upper left chest tightening and I thought I was going to die. I got up looked in the mirror and saw half my face was blushed red and the other pale. Not in a cartoony/ comic book/ Harvey 2 face like trippy fashion but, just a white guy with half his face blushed, like if I was having a allergic reaction or something it was very weird. I think I may have had a sensory overload during the experience.

Eventually, the trip starting coming to an end around 2/3pm. Slowly drifting away, but every time I tried to close my eyes I would see CEV it was impossible to sleep the last part off.

I have since never done a hallucinogen ever after this experience.
I have since never done a hallucinogen ever after this experience.
I only smoke weed and drink liquor responsibly that's it. I'm to scared to ever touch another psychedelic again, in fear of full blown HPPD! Although I want to try shrooms and mescalin, this experience has me fearing of loosing my sanity and I just cant risk it.

I feel like it may have gave me a light/mild form of HPPD. Ever since the trip to this day if I stare at something inanimate, lets say tiles on the floor for example or a bathmat on the floor, the texture will kind of start to have a swirling like/ water like visual movement after a minute and a half of no blinking. I have light static visuals when looking at the color black. Around 5 years ago if a sticker was on the wall it would look as if it were slowly moving on the wall but that does not happen anymore. The HPPD I think I may have had has either withered away for the most part or maybe I don't notice it because its normal now. I dont take any medication either so its effects naturally faded away. Took enough time though.

Its not worth it. I feel very fortunate and lucky I did not die as this is a serious substance. And if for some reason you feel the need to take it, don't be naive like I was, SAFETY FIRST break open the capsule, weigh it out, put it back in the capsule, reagent the substance, trust no dealer, take the proper safety precautions and be safe, and have water available.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 113900
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 22, 2020Views: 866
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2C-T-7 (54) : First Times (2), Post Trip Problems (8), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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