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Sick for Two Days
Trazodone, Alcohol - Hard
by Jo
Citation:   Jo. "Sick for Two Days: An Experience with Trazodone, Alcohol - Hard (exp113991)". Jan 20, 2020.

T+ 0:00
4 shots oral Alcohol - Hard
  T+ 2:00 200 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone
I was drinking alone on Friday night. I drank about 4 shots of whiskey, not usually too much for me, and went rummaging for pills so I could sleep. I ended up taking 200mg of trazodone, from a prescription I had 6 months ago. I felt pretty good, a bit drunk, and went to sleep about thirty minutes later.

About two hours later I woke up because I had to use the bathroom. I was so dizzy and uncoordinated that I couldn’t stand up. I felt like I was on the verge of being blackout drunk. I crawled my way to the bathroom. I don’t remember getting there, but I had reached the toilet and shut the door. I woke up some time later - I had passed out on the floor next to the toilet and couldn’t move. I felt very drunk and nauseated. I was swaying and couldn’t focus my eyes.
I felt very drunk and nauseated. I was swaying and couldn’t focus my eyes.
I didn’t know how I would make it back to bed. Eventually I got myself upright and splashed water in my face. I was so groggy. I toddled back to bed and collapsed, feeling so dizzy and nauseated that I couldn’t sleep.

It occurred to me that I did not eat lunch or dinner the previous day, so I crawled to the kitchen and ate a protein bar. About 3 hours had passed since I took the trazodone, and about 5 hours since I began drinking. I managed to eat a couple bites of protein bar, drink some water, and crawl back to bed.

I slept for 12 hours and had very intense dreams. Really intricate, complete storylines. When I woke up at 2pm I barely felt better. Had an awful headache. When I stood up I felt weak and dizzy still. I managed to scrounge up some food, though I wasn’t very hungry, and drink lots of water. Spent all day in bed, feeling terrible. Luckily the headache was responsive to a cup of coffee and some Tylenol.

I went to sleep early on Saturday and felt mildly better today. Managed to leave the house to hit up the grocery store for sports drinks and soup. At this point, it felt like I had a terrible hangover or the flu. I’ve been taking it easy, and the headache has come back. Starting to get concerned because I still feel sick - if I’m not improving I will go to the doctor tomorrow.

Googling trazodone and alcohol says that the effects of alcohol can be intensified. I drank 4 shots of whiskey over 2 hours, and it does feel more intense than usual, except I still feel like I’m hungover 2 days later.
I still feel like I’m hungover 2 days later.
I have only ever drank half a bottle at a time before and the hangover was atrocious, but this is much worse.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 113991
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2020Views: 2,435
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Pharms - Trazodone (294), Fasting (178) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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