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Not for Me but Some May Prefer It
by melm
Citation:   melm. "Not for Me but Some May Prefer It: An Experience with 4-HO-MET & MDMA (exp114014)". Jan 31, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 30 mg oral 4-HO-MET  
  T+ 0:45 130 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
  T+ 2:00 130 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
I use MDMA a few times a year for the last few years so am fairly familiar with it. I use LSD frequently, and have experimented with mushrooms and 4-ACO-DMT a few times.

I had read some experiences here and elsewhere talking about 4-HO-MET's high amount of visuals compared to headspace as well as its short duration and was intrigued. I tried 20mg at home for the first time a week before this event and found those statements to be mostly true. Though of note it is still a psychedelic and all the usual mental dangers are still there if slightly muted.

This prompted me to think about its potential to make my roll more sparkly. Usually I'll take a tab or half tab of acid before doing MDMA because I do MDMA only a few times a year and I love to have the visuals while rolling.
I do MDMA only a few times a year and I love to have the visuals while rolling.
But I find sometimes I feel a little awkward on acid and was hoping to have something a little shorter lived and with less psychedelic headspace. So I figured 4-HO-MET would work perfectly for this.

Of note I was a little rushed and had been travelling all day before this so that may have contributed to this somewhat. The MDMA is from a batch we had used before and knew to be clean and relatively potent.

We're going to go to a show of a group we all like and have seen before. The crowd is very much a rave crowd and a good chunk of the people there will either be rolling or very friendly towards it. Though the club isn't particularly friendly with relatively strict searches and the like.

t:0 9:30pm had a beer and 30mg 4-HO-MET before the uber arrived. My other friends are doing various combos of stims, MDMA, acid, and liquor but are all well trusted and familiar with these kind of headspaces.
t:+45 took my first 130mg cap of MDMA in line for the show. about a (+) from the 4-HO-MET very smooth and subtle come up for the 4-HO starting to get tiny bit of tracers and movement.

I wasn't necessarily planning to take the second cap since usually I find 1 is enough for shorter shows. After finally getting in the line and then getting through coat check we go to watch the openers none of us are too excited by the openers and I'm feeling a little bored so I grab a drink.

t:1:30 feeling the full extent of the 4-HO-MET and it's exactly what I had hoped for so far, no anxiousness or awkwardness but excellent visuals including geometric patterns, tracers, and the air has that thickness that I enjoy. They remind me more of acid visuals than mushroom visuals interestingly. I definitely feel the MDMA and am a little smiley and warm but something is missing, I don't feel the rush of energy that I usually get and I'm still not feeling particularly dancy. Chatting with other people is easy and pleasant.

t:1:45 my friend on LSD and adderal is having a mild panic attack (shocking, silly combo if you have anxiety). We get the door man to let us stand outside for a little bit and he calms down. Around this time I also see a girl being rushed out by security. Always sad :( stay safe out there.

t:2:00 decide to take the second 130mg cap of MDMA since I'm not where I want to be for the headliner and taking it any later would be a waste.

t:+3 headliner is on and the effects of the second cap have mostly peaked. Still no rush or body roll almost as though the 4-HO has smoothed out the whole experience. I don't feel especially frantic and I'm not clenching my jaw. I am feeling dancy now, though nothing like I'm used to on this much M. Visuals are still excellent and this show has surprisingly good visuals for a club show.

t:+5:00 chatting and having a good time with people in coat check we head back home and spend the night talking and drinking.

So there is my experience I probably won't be using this combination again and will be sticking to LSD for my visuals
I probably won't be using this combination again and will be sticking to LSD for my visuals
in the future. I'm not 100% sure the 4-HO-MET is entirely to blame compared to slight tiredness and the unpleasantness at t+1:45 but it's hard to isolate the chemicals from life. Some people may actually prefer the less speedy and gentler nature of this combination, certainly a very smooth come-up and come-down the whole way, and I still had most of the social effects of MDMA without the amphetamine edge. Personally I love the amphetamine effects and body high, and the initial fast rush of peaking. If I used MDMA more often I might be willing to try this again a couple more times and who knows maybe in a few years I'll give it another go. For me this wasn't a bad experience just a little underwhelming and not what I wanted for the night. I think the 4-HO-MET might still be fun for more casual psychedelic things like art museums or nature walks where I might want to interact with normal people or not want the whole day experience of LSD.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114014
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jan 31, 2020Views: 1,390
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MDMA (3), 4-HO-MET (436) : Club / Bar (25), Combinations (3)

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