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Ma Huang (Ephedrine)....Ahh..what can I say?
Citation:   DXMtripper. "Ma Huang (Ephedrine)....Ahh..what can I say?: An Experience with Ephedrine (exp11403)". May 7, 2004.

  oral Ephedrine
Being somewhat of a speed-freak I have always been interested in what over-the-counter stimulants will do to my mood and energy..etc. Anyway I have heard a lot about ephedrine (the Chinese herb Ma Huang) and heard that it was stronger than caffeine. My usual dose is between 25-50 mg, maybe more depending on how I want to feel.

Twenty-five milligrams of epehdrine will make me feel bursting with energy and have a very, very small euphoric feeling. Music sounds a little better on it. But I make sure I am taking just strainght ephedrine and not any of that Two-Way bullshit that contains guaifenesin. Too much of the guaifenesin, an expectorant, makes me feel like shit.

I have used ephedrine when wanting to successfully stay up all night and not feel like shit but the next day the crash is pretty bad. I would never go over 150-200 mg because after this point you are pretty much putting your heart at risk.

This is a pretty good OTC substance when used responsibly and can be pretty fun. Well, stay safe...keep cool.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11403
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 7, 2004Views: 25,800
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Ephedrine (23) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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