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Citation:   Dizzy. "Mistake: An Experience with DXM (exp114068)". Dec 23, 2020.

550 - 600 mg oral DXM
    smoked Cannabis
    oral Melatonin
[Erowid Note: Most Coricidin contains CPM (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) which can be dangerous in high doses. See DXM Brand Warnings for more info.]
At around 9pm I took a lot of coricidin/DXM pills. For some reason I wasn’t paying attention to how many I was taking. I usually only take about 320mg but I think I took somewhere in the area of 600mg.

At around 9:45 I was almost fully into the trip. I had to stop reading my book because I couldn’t concentrate on the words anymore. I watched music videos on youtube. At 10:15pm My husband woke up to go to work and I talked to him for a while. Usually I can have a decent conversation with him while on DXM because I never take that much. I couldn’t this time. He left and I listened to music for a while.

At 11pm I realized that this trip was strange. I was shaking way too much, my heartbeat was faster.
I was shaking way too much, my heartbeat was faster.
I could still think straight which was odd, it was just my body that was altered. It was then that I realized I had taken too much. I went to check the dosage and I discovered that I was taking a heavy dose. I couldn’t talk without slurring.

I was very uncomfortable at this point. I took my pulse and it was 157. I smoked some pot but that didn’t really help. My heartbeat was my whole body. I sank into myself on the couch and wondered if I was going to die and if should call 911 or text my husband at work. I did neither of those things I just laid there listening to music. I took some melatonin to see if that would bring me down some at all. It did nothing to help.

I decided to go to bed around 11:30 or Midnight. I got into bed and for a while I was unaware of my body. I had visual hallucinations in the dark of patterns. I had auditory hallucinations of hearing the radio. I was aware of my body then. I thought about if I was going to die. I got up and went into the kitchen to get food. My muscles were clenched SO tight, it was rather difficult and painful. I ate some food and smoked some more pot. I came down around 1:30am, I could finally relax my body and it was great. I fell asleep and woke up at like 2pm extremely tired.

In summary I am not going to take this amount ever again, I am going to be more aware of how many pills I am taking. This trip was uncomfortable almost to the extent of being painful on my body.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114068
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Dec 23, 2020Views: 1,851
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