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Smooth Insomnia
2-Fluoromethamphetamine & Hash
Citation:   mon6do. "Smooth Insomnia: An Experience with 2-Fluoromethamphetamine & Hash (exp114070)". Mar 3, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  T+ 3:45 30 mg oral 2-Fluoromethamphetamine  
  T+ 3:45   smoked Cannabis - Hash  
This specific RC stimulant is sold so cheap its a crime. As with most RC drugs, information is hard to find, and every little bit I can share might come in handy for someone :)

On my quest to find the perfect stim, and having recently tried (and abused) dextroamphetamine (elvanse, dexedrine), I felt the need to try and find a good functionnal stim. A friend of mine had recommended checking out 2FMA, for its long duration and smooth functionnal high. I ordered a gram and when it came I could not resist and tried some, under 10mg (eyeball) oral dose. I helped me gauge the potency of this drug, which, despite being active at 5mg, only provided me with a subtle high, stimmy mindset, and lasting wakefulness. It was time for more serious testing.

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
I woke up the next day at around 8am, took a decent breakfast, and dosed 20mg oral at 10:30am. I decide to take a shower while I wait.

T+30m : I can feel a subtle change in my body, the drug is taking effect, as I get out of the shower, I put on music and start rolling up some fine-ass hash while chatting on the internet.

T+1:30h : the last hour did not see any real change in the effects ; my body feels slightly lighter, I type/talk more, typical anxiety (not a problem) and effects of dopaminergic drugs come-up.

During the T+1:30h and T+2:15h mark, I finish coming up, a wave of euphoria hits me, although it is very smooth and low, my body tingles, music is perfect, I'm fully stimulated and ready to use my brain. I decide to smoke some hash and enjoy myself, as I read the euphoria of 2FMA was short-lived.

T+3:45h : around the 3rd to 4rth hour in, I realised the euphoria is mostly gone, the stimulation is still there though, I did not notice exactly when the proper euphoria ended, the stimulation is very smooth and pleasing. Although it is not exactly forcing my mind into work, it forces it onto the task at hand, to the point I have to snap myself out of it.

I decide to go for a redose, I take 30mg oral, and wait for the high while chatting with friends online, smoking another joint, and taking a walk outside. The dose hits very smoothly again, about 1h30m or 2 hours later, redoses are effective but I wouldn't expect to get the original euphoria again with a light redose.

I enjoy the rest of my high while smoking and listening to my fav songs. Or so what I thought to be the rest of my high. 2FMA lasts very long already, around 7 to 9 hours with common doses, and thats without taking into account the residual stimulation. Since I redosed 4 hours in (2:30pm), I expected to stay stimulated until at least 11pm.

T+8h : having enjoyed my high, and still feeling stimmy, I decide to play some video games, until 10pm, when I cook myself some food, take a shower and lay in my bed on youtube.

Quick glance at the comedown : just like everything with this drug, it was smooth and veeery gentle, no hard times, not difficult at all, and gradual (using l-tyrosine afterwards, helps a lot with dopamine depletion).

So, back on track : I feel physicaly tired, not exhausted but I do feel the need to rest. It's around 11:30pm, so 9 hours after my last dose, I turn off the lights and go to bed.

T+16h : uuuugh I cannot sleep. The residual stimulation lasts for ages
T+16h : uuuugh I cannot sleep. The residual stimulation lasts for ages
and redosing extended it even more. This is easily countered by taking a benzo, but since I'm limit testing I force myself into sleep. Its unclear when I finally fell asleep, but I woke up several times during the night, and got out of bed pretty early the next day, at 9am I got out of bed, feeling rested despite my difficult night. And do more 2FMA...

After using the drug for some weeks, not everyday ofc, I gathered these informations (keep in mind this is a personnal report of the drug, someone might experience it differently) :

-this is the smoothest stim I ever experienced, everything from the come-up to the comedown is smooth, and since it has little to no serotonergic activity, it wont affect my mood for several days like MDMA or other serotonergic stims can.
-redosing is quite effective but since it already has a very long duration, its just asking for insomnia.
-speaking of insomnia, even when only dosing once in the morning, I did not find sleep before midnight.
-little dry mouth, but it is very dehydrating, I had to drink often and flush often.
-eating on it is not really an issue, although not very enjoyable, the digestion made me a little upset in the stomach, and given its very long duration, I would eat plenty before dosing.
-heartbeat rate is not really affected during the high, it rises a bit but nothing concerning, but strangely enough, it rises after the comedown, during the very long after effects that prevented me from sleeping, which is a bit concerning.
-I have seen reports stating 2FMA hurts a lot intranasal, not in my experience ; it barely stings.

other issue with this drug
-ITS FUCKING ADDICTIVE, not stressing this out enough it is just too damn smooth, imagine being able to stay stimmed for hours upon hours and not feel like absolute shit after. Its long duration makes it harder to abuse, as one would just end up not sleeping at all for days → psychosis, but it is really addictive, probably because its just a fluorine atom bound to methamphetamine, which could also explain the duration of after effects.
-after repeated use (don't) over 2 weeks I noticed some chest pain, I don't know if its paranoia or if this shit is not good for my heart, but I would advise caution with this one. Despite its very gentle nature its a research chemical, little is known about it, and even if in the end my heart is fine, its still damaging to the liver, kidneys, and probably quite neurotoxic.
-I use N-Acetyl-Cystein (antioxidant) to combat oxidative stress, and L-Tyrosine to ease the day following use, use safely and respect harm reduction practices ; 2FMA might be advertised as a study aid, but its honestly just study meth.

I thoroughly enjoy this substance, but it has to be used carefully, and repeated use is just asking for problems.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114070
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 3, 2020Views: 2,604
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2-Fluoromethamphetamine (668) : Alone (16), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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