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As Fast as It Hit Me It Went Away
Citation:   Mr. Shroomie. "As Fast as It Hit Me It Went Away: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT (exp114071)". Mar 4, 2020.

30 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT
My First Experience With 4-HO-MiPT

I would say that, I am quite experienced user. I had 1P-LSD, 1CP-LSD but also 4-aco-met and 4-aco-det. But I wasn’t ready for what was going to hit me with 4-ho-mipt. Me and 3 of my friends decided to try 4-ho-mipt 2 of my friends had 20 mg and my GF had same amount as I (30 mg). Set and setting were good and I was in good mood I was looking forward to new experience.

I took it on empty stomach and after 10 minutes (T + 00:10) I began to feel nauseous so I went to the bathroom. After a short while (T + 00:15) I began to feel the effects. It was like the fastest and hardest come up in my life. I have never had bad experiences but with this one it all changed. I was laying down on the floor of my bathroom and I was experiencing physical and mental pain
I was experiencing physical and mental pain
of enormous size. I remember that I was scratching myself, I was biting myself, I couldn’t breathe normally, I was breathing really fast like I had some seizure. My GF was with me and she tried to help me but nothing really worked. I was conscious I knew that I took something and I knew that nobody ever died by taking this substance but I was experiencing the biggest pain in my life. I am pretty sure that I would piss and shit myself if I didn’t go to the toilet before.

These bad effects lasted for about 45 minutes (T + 00:55) since I came to the bathroom. But then I began to feel better the pain was leaving me and I began to laugh with my GF. Then we joined with the 2 friends who were having a great time and for another 1 hour (T + 01:55) we were having a great time we were laughing at everything and hallucinations were not bad either.

But as fast as it hit me it went away. The whole experience lasted for about 3 hours maybe 3,5 hours.
The whole experience lasted for about 3 hours maybe 3,5 hours.
My GF and my friends weren’t experiencing any bad effects.

I would give it 2 stars out of 5, because if I won’t consider the bad effects which I have experienced it was a really short and disappointing experience. The laughing jag wasn’t as good as I had on 4-aco-det and also hallucinations weren’t as good as on 4-aco-det or 4-aco-met or anything else.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114071
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 4, 2020Views: 1,195
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4-HO-MiPT (342) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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