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A Stormy Trip on a Stormy Post-Election Day
LSD & Phenibut
Citation:   LiminalMugwump. "A Stormy Trip on a Stormy Post-Election Day: An Experience with LSD & Phenibut (exp114084)". Jun 29, 2020.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  800 mg oral Smarts - Phenibut  
    repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  50 mg   Ketamine  
Aprox 10.15 (T+0) It is the day after the [Ireland] general election. It is blustery and stormy out, and I decide to drop one tab of good quality Dr Seuss LSD along with 800mg phenibut. My experience has led me to believe that they are around 140 – 160 ug range. After my highly enjoyable recent trip with the Simpsons tabs, I was eager to enter the gates of psychedelia again. It is a weekend, so my family are at home. Because of how manageable, clear and pro-social my last trip was I was curious to experiment with entering a heightened consciousness in a more social domestic setting.

(T+1.15): The come up already feels stronger than from my recent trip with 1.5 of Simpsons blotters. These are definitely stronger. I have that familiar acid come-up gurgling and churning in my stomach. Having a relatively heavy cooked breakfast probably didn’t help. My mind is beginning to feel amorphous and flowing. Colours are brighter and more vibrant, gradients have increased, and the familiar acid sheen is back. The sun is breaking through the clouds and I can feel energies flowing through currents in my body which makes we want to move. I might try out a few asanas… The sun is out for now, so I have decided to go out for a hike and experience the elements instead.

I went out for a walk to witness the storm on the coast. I had a distinct urge to go out and face the storm. I walked through the local nature trail and smoked a bit of hash in some secluded spots overlooking the sea. I contacted a friend of mine who happens to be a witch to ask if there are any Irish God/ess associated with wind and storm. She informed me that there is in fact an Irish goddess of the storm called Caillach and that this is her season. Her cohort is also taken to be Manannán, the god of the sea with further associations to sea storms. This synchronicity influenced the remainder of my trip.

I stopped at several times to sit and experience the force of the storm and feel the spray of sea against me. I felt at home in it, comfortable in the storm. I recognised the turbulent sea as being our primordial evolutionary home. At one point I ushered forth an invocation to these gods which is included in the notes bellow, taken during my coastal hike.

(T+2.50): Caillach and Manannán we recognise your chaotic force as the underlying truth! We accept you into our life and the beauty that so flourishes forth from it. Hail the storm! Hail Eris!

(T+3.00): The visuals with LSD are all fluff, LSD is about the clarity. Seeing things as they are. LSD is like attaching microscopes to each retina. I can see everything in its pure clarity. It’s not an hallucination, it is just truly seeing.

(T+3.10): Caillach and Manannán we welcome you. Your upheaval is needed for evolution to progress.

Love. Chaos. Power.

The walk was invigorating and enjoyable, and I felt a real comradery with the others who were out to witness the storm.

At one point the rain and hail started coming down heavy and with the gale force winds and my lack of raingear aside from a raincoat I was apprehensive about my hike home. Luckily a friendly couple passing by in their car stopped and offered me a lift. I was talking briefly to a nice Polish man who had been caught out while running. Interacting with people came easily and didn’t feel awkward or forced.
Interacting with people came easily and didn’t feel awkward or forced.

When I got home, I took 50mg of ketamine and a long hot bath. I soaked in the hot water and felt connected to Manannán, the ocean…

(T+7.00): It is most vital for anthropologists to recognise the FUNDAMENTAL importance of the phenomenological experience to human life!

Following the electoral coverage, it seems that the stormy upheaval outside is an apt metaphor for the general political climate. Sinn Fein have gained record votes and there has been a seismic shift away from the neoliberal status quo of Fine Gael / Fail that has dominated Irish politics since independence, towards a left alternative in young voters. People want a radical upheaval and revaluation of the values that our society and culture represent.

Since I have been home, I have been able to communicate and socialise with my family with ease. I seem pretty comfortable socially on this dose of LSD. I have begun to believe that I often find low dose (20 – 60 ug) trips more uncomfortable than higher ones; I have a tendency towards anxiety on them. Not quite in and not quite out either, stuck in an uncomfortable liminal zone. For me personally I think it has to be a proper microdose (<15ug) or a full dose (100ug +). The middle ones make me uneasy.

Overall a very nice trip. I feel ready to embrace the storm and chaos that are the impetus towards novelty and evolution.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114084
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 29, 2020Views: 1,226
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Smarts - Phenibut (379), LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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