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Puppeteering My Own Body
Ketamine & Wine
Citation:   Henno . "Puppeteering My Own Body: An Experience with Ketamine & Wine (exp114144)". Mar 8, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 1:00 40 mg IM Ketamine
A rare free Friday evening in the house after working long hours all week and with no responsibility until the following Monday seemed like the best time to finally try the 40mg of ketamine I’d had stored away.

Having tried various substances in the past and usually found myself just a little disappointed by not achieving a substantial ‘trip’ I figured 0.5mg/kg of intramuscular ketamine would hopefully get me there.... I had tried ket before when I was a student volunteering for various research studies to earn some extra cash and it was a pleasant experience but nowhere near as dissociative as what was to come.

I injected in the right thigh, cleaned up and went to chill in front of the TV

t+ 0’5’’: coming up very strongly, a blurring bass note ringing in the ears and the feeling I was descending down a hole in my own mind away from the controls of my body. I swung my arm over the back of the sofa and cracked my funny bone on the edge of the radiator...but first knew about it because of the loud clanging sound, I didn’t feel any pain from what should have absolutely been agony! As the following few minutes went on a I had profound sense of nausea building.

T+0’10’’ the nausea had continued to climb and I felt the need to vomit, making my way to the back garden I can only describe as if I was working the controls for a character in a computer game to walk awkwardly, grabbing onto door frames, to steady myself completely cut off from the normal feedback mechanisms such as balance and where my limbs were in space. I made it onto the lawn and vomited heavily, then lay down and listened to the sounds of people walking down the lane past our house.

T+0’30’’ after having vomited I was now feeling pretty much fine and tried to make my way back into the house. Getting up was very difficult. So I lay on the grass and gradually sat up, then stood up. I looked at my hands and body which felt completely like it belonged to someone else. Like I had been beamed into this body from the other side of the world and just using it like you would a remote control avatar.

T+0’45’’ I was comfortable on the sofa by this point and just chilling with some music playing somewhere in the background. My thoughts felt like separate streams of consciousness which were flowing in their own directions without any influence from me, I could dip in and out but regardless of my attention they just went off on flights of fancy. I could skip away distracted by another thought stream only coming back to the previous one finding it having developed while I was ‘away’.
I could skip away distracted by another thought stream only coming back to the previous one finding it having developed while I was ‘away’.

T+1’ peaked and starting to come down by this point. I can’t describe the visuals but it was like the artist Erwin Wurms fat cars--everything puffed out, swelling out and embracing itself. Over the next hours I gradually gained control of my body again and it no longer felt like I was a puppeteer in my own body.

Back to normal within about 2-3 hours.

Would definitely do again, but on an empty stomach and definitely without the glass of wine an hour of so beforehand. I only learned later that the combination of ket and alcohol can be profoundly nausea inducing!

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 114144
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Mar 8, 2020Views: 1,949
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Ketamine (31) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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